My parents

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Today I want to talk about two people who think more about the happiness of the people close to them than their own happiness. Those who make a living do not hesitate to help their family members, relatives, and even those with whom they have no blood relationship. My father and mother are two such people.
I knew my father from birth as a tough man on the outside, but with a tender heart on the inside. And my mother is a woman who still does not know arrogance, greed, violence. Today is not a day but I know why my parents are very interested in talking. My father is a child of an ordinary family in the village. They had a total of nine siblings. He had to work hard to establish himself financially as well as study as the first child. Although I did not have the good fortune to watch that struggle, I heard the story from my mother.
Before my older brother was born, they started living from village to town with their siblings for business. He used to take care of everything in our village house, his new family with responsibility. They were fairly well-off at the time of my birth. I have seen since childhood that he used to think more about his family than himself. If he did some good shopping, he would send all the siblings home. Although self-reliant, he has been living a very ordinary life all his life. One thing I've noticed all along - my dad never expects anything from others. Being able to give something to everyone is the most joy for him. And my mother is a woman who is taking care of all the responsibilities of her husband's extended family. My mother still takes care of all the members of her family, she takes care of everyone in the family as her mother. The biggest feature of my parents is that they don’t judge relationships in terms of financial resources. From an early age, he taught our three brothers and sisters to respect people as human beings, not small or big in terms of money. My father used to dress like a normal person - he still behaves that way. From an early age, he has made us human under strict discipline.
Even under the pressure of work, they sat down to eat together. In my spare time, my two brothers and I would sit next to each other and talk about history, politics, society, and our views. Sometimes I read biographies of different thinkers, although I didn't like it then, now I realize that my father wanted to show me pictures of life and teach me to be an ideal person. How to respect people. He used to tell his mother that he wanted to make his son and daughter conscientious people. So that they are not the proud children of a greedy father. My father had another example - he always told my mother - no one should leave my house without eating. And my mother continues to follow that idea.

Although they may seem like very ordinary parents at first glance, to be their ideals, honesty, generosity makes them unique and extraordinary. I still can't do anything to make them proud, but I'm proud of what my parents taught me. And I pray that they will be like a banyan tree, a shadow over the heads of me, my brothers, and all of our family, as long as they remain a shadow forever. Honestly, my parents are two ideal people who have given us a beautiful and orderly life with their talents and hard work, as well as loved our relatives.
Now that they are older, I always pray to God that they will be healthy, that their love will keep us in love for many years to come. May Allah Tayala me and my brothers that good fortune

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