Living with Corona

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Corona is a flu-like virus. In other words, Corona constantly changes her appearance, changes her strain, and comes up with new variants. That is why the variant for which you will make v / x *. Today will not be effective in the case of new variants. Although somewhat effective, it can have serious side effects. The bottom line is that those with minimal knowledge of immunology-virology will admit that no cure for the flu-like virus has yet been discovered. Just take paracetamol as a pain killer. Give oxygen if needed. Naturally, he will recover.
But many big business capitalists will always try to increase their wealth even in the midst of this epidemic. That's why different drug manufacturers need to get you up and running to get vaccinated. Also, many selfish people will give more importance to lockdown. Because it will make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
But as corona airborne viruses, they have no scientific basis for these unreasonable restrictions. Even if there is no scientific basis, it is not possible to go beyond the words of Bilge * Toss Syndicate. So the Bangladeshi blind disciples of Bill Gates are playing twelve of the medical sciences.
In fact, Bill * Gates' Bangladeshi blind believers do not understand science, nor immunology-virology. If they understood immunology-virology, they would admit that it is useless to give vaccines to unstable brother * Ras (mutation/transformation virus). On the contrary, the new variant that is coming as a result of the virus mutation, failing to resist this unknown variant, V / X *.
Even before this, after years of trying, no one has succeeded in creating a virus / x * of RNA positive sense virus-like Corona, it has failed again and again. Because the only stable virus (non-mutation / virus that does not change form) has been able to create V / X *. It was not possible to create an unstable virus-like Corona.
So we have to live with the coronavirus. And we have to move forward in life by always relying on Allah and following our own health care rules.

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