Enjoying the Freshness of Fruit Ice (7 languages, Indonesia ,English, Korean)

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

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Cuaca panas memang cocoknya minum yang dingin-dingin. Es buah tentu cocok jadi minuman pilihan saat cuaca panas. Es yang isinya ada berbagai macam buah potongan, kelapa muda, susu, serta sirup manis berwarna merah.

Es buah merupakan salah satu minuman segar yang banyak dicari saat siang hari atau ketika cuaca sedang panas. Es buah adalah salah satu jenis minuman yang di dalamnya berisi berbagai macam potongan buah dengan susu dan sirup serta biasanya disajikan dalam keadaan dingin.

Membayangkannya saja sudah bikin air liur mau turun dari mulut, apalagi menikmati langsung. Tenggorokan yang semula kering seketika terobati dengan kenikmatan rasa es buah.

Anda tidak perlu bingung untuk mendapatkan es buah, karena es buah sangat mudah ditemukan, mulai dari penjual es buah di pinggir jalan, kedai jus, hingga rumah makan. Es buah kini juga memiliki banyak varian isi dan rasa. Tidak hanya menggunakan kuah susu dan sirup saja, namun banyak resep kekinian yang membuat es buah semakin lezat.

Es buah campur memang cocok dinikmati saat panas siang hari. Namun, coba nikmati saat senja atau malam hari sambil melepas penat setelah beraktivitas harian.

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Hot weather is perfect for a cold drink. Fruit ice is certainly suitable as a drink of choice when the weather is hot. Ice which contains various kinds of fruit pieces, young coconut, milk, and sweet red syrup.

Fruit ice is one of the most sought after fresh drinks during the day or when the weather is hot. Ice fruit is a type of drink that contains various pieces of fruit with milk and syrup and is usually served cold.

Just imagining it already makes saliva want to come down from your mouth, let alone enjoy it directly. The throat that was originally dry was instantly treated with the pleasure of fruit ice.

You don't need to be confused about getting fruit ice, because fruit ice is very easy to find, from fruit ice sellers on the roadside, juice shops, to restaurants. Fruit ice now also has many variants of contents and flavors. Not only using milk gravy and syrup, but there are many contemporary recipes that make fruit ice even more delicious.

Mixed fruit ice is suitable to be enjoyed during the heat of the day. However, try to enjoy it at dusk or at night while unwinding after daily activities.


더운 날씨에 시원한 음료가 제격입니다. 날씨가 더울 때 과일 얼음은 선택 음료로 확실히 적합합니다. 다양한 종류의 과일 조각, 어린 코코넛, 우유, 달콤한 빨간 시럽이 들어있는 얼음.

과일 얼음은 낮이나 날씨가 더울 때 가장 많이 찾는 신선한 음료 중 하나입니다. 아이스 과일은 우유와 시럽과 함께 다양한 과일 조각을 포함하는 음료의 한 유형이며 일반적으로 차갑게 제공됩니다.

상상하는 것만으로도 직접 즐기는 것은 물론, 입에서 침이 흘러내리고 싶어집니다. 원래 말랐던 목구멍이 과일 얼음의 쾌감으로 즉시 치료되었습니다.

길가의 과일 얼음 판매점, 주스 가게, 식당에 이르기까지 과일 얼음은 찾기가 매우 쉽기 때문에 과일 얼음을 얻는 것에 대해 혼동할 필요가 없습니다. 과일 얼음에는 이제 다양한 내용과 맛이 있습니다. 밀크 그레이비와 시럽을 사용하는 것뿐만 아니라 과일 아이스를 더욱 맛있게 만드는 현대적인 레시피가 많이 있습니다.

믹스 과일 아이스는 더운 날 즐기기에 적합합니다. 그러나 해질녘이나 밤에 일상 활동 후 긴장을 풀면서 즐기십시오.

sorry if there is a wrong word in writing the language, because it uses the google transate application to translate words

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