Attract money instead of pursuing money

in instablurt •  3 years ago 


Money is like that beautiful girl you admire. When you see a girl you like the quickest way to lose her interest is to chase her. When you pursue a woman she will run far away from you.

What you need to do instead is to attract her.

Similarly, if you pursue money you will likely not get it. But if you attract money you will have it in abundance.

How many persons do you know that are desperate for money? Have you wondered why majority of them never seem to have it?

This is because money cannot be gotten by being pursued or chased. Rich minded people understand this fact and developed a different approach to money.

Here are three things the rich minded do to become successful:

1]: They Understand That Money Is Attracted Not Pursued - Money is actually not pursued but attracted because if you pursue money it will keep running away from you and you may never catch up with it. You attract money by becoming more valuable and giving more value. When you bring more value to the table, more money will naturally flow to you. Rich minded people understand this and focus on bringing in more value instead of chasing money.

2]: They Understand That Money Is Reward And Not A Right - The rich minded understand that money is not a right but a reward for value rendered, as a product or service. So instead of pursuing money they look out for how to offer more valuable product and render quality services to people who will give money in exchange.

3]: They Understand That Money Is Multiplied Not Created - Another reason why rich minded individuals don’t pursue money is because they understand that money is not just created but multiplied. So they look out for opportunities that will help them multiply their money and give handsome returns because that is one of the most guaranteed way to build wealth.
You too can leverage these vital lessons to build wealth and success.

Making money is not rocket science. You just need to know what to do, how to do it and start doing it.

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