Chicken with jackfruit

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim All praise be to Allah Ta'ala.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu how are you all I hope everyone is much better by the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty.


Today I will share with you the recipe on how to cook chicken. I hope you like it very much. It is very tasty to eat. So let's start today's recipe.


400 g of boiled pieces of raw jackfruit

1 kg of chicken

1 cup of chopped onion

2 tablespoons of onion paste

Garlic paste: 1.5 tablespoons

Hot spice paste and a half tablespoons

2 teaspoons of cumin powder

Green Peppers 7 to 8 p.m.

Two tomatoes finely chopped

  • 2 cups of soybean oil

Salt to taste

2 teaspoons of turmeric powder

Half a tablespoon of chili powder you can add a little more if you want no problem

Preparation method: First of all, you have to cut the jackfruit nicely into pieces, then wash it well, then put water on the stove and boil the jackfruits. After boiling, let them drip with water. Wash the chicken meat thoroughly and let it drain and when it is out of the water, put light turmeric and salt in it.

Then put the frying pan in the oven and put oil in it. Grind onion, garlic paste, onion paste, raw chilli, yellow salt, chilli powder and mix everything well.

Now put the jackfruits in it. After removing the jackfruits well, keep it. Now put another pan in the hair and heat the oil. Fry the chicken meat with a little fire. Then put the jackfruit pot in the oven again. After giving the meat, cook it well for 10 to 15 minutes, leave it in the soup and take it out, then the chicken meat is ready with your raw jackfruit.

This is today's recipe. I hope you will try it. I wish you all the best and stay healthy. I bid farewell like today.

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