Chicken Biryani

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahman's Raheem All Praise be to Allah Ta'ala Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are very good in the infinite mercy of the great Rabbul Alamin I am also very good in your prayers Alhamdulillah I have appeared before you today
Who doesn't like to eat chicken biryani? Everyone, big or small, likes to eat chicken biryani. If that is the case, then let's start with today's recipe.

Basmati rice 1.5 kg

Potatoes 1.5 kg

Chicken 1.5 kg

Bata Garlic 50 gms

2 teaspoons of black pepper

2 cups of white soybean oil

Ghee quantity

3 teaspoons of biryani spice

3 teaspoons of red chilli powder

Three large onion sprouts

200 grams of sour yogurt

Khoya 3 tablespoons Kora

Two to three tablespoons of turmeric powder

Two to three tablespoons of saffron

Preparation method
All you have to do is soak the basmati rice in water for half an hour, then add three teaspoons of salt, 4 to 5 whole cloves, some cardamom, cinnamon and boil the rice with bay leaves.

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Now all you have to do is clean the chicken well and drain the water. Mix all the spices in the sour curd and mix it with a spoonful of Birani spice and leave it for two hours.

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Cut the potatoes into nice sizes, then boil them in half and fry them in oil until red.




Now heat the oil in a stone. Once the oil is hot, pour the chicken head into the abyss and keep stirring with the biryani spices. Mix the potatoes with it.
Add salt as expected and when it is boiled, dry it and remove it.
Now heat the ghee in a large pot, then add the boiled rice and a little bit of stone, then make a layer, add half of the chicken in the dish, then put the rice on top of the chicken, then put the rice on top of the rice and then put the chicken on the bus again. Then put the fried onions on the rice and keep it for half an hour. Then serve your chicken biryani.




You can make chicken biryani whenever you want. You can try it once it is very tasty to eat.
I wish you all the best and stay healthy. I said goodbye like today. I will appear in front of you again with something new.

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