Denial & Pain

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

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Have you ever had your heart broken before?
Have you ever been in the position of the other person, I mean the third heel of a relationship?
Well if you have then how did you overcome this. What gives you the spirit and strength to move on.

I had an hangout with my friends and one of the topic of discussion was heartbreak.One of us shared how sad she had been recently upon discovering her everything had another everything by the side. She felt devastated because he owned up to this and told her she was the other wheel in a perfect relationship.

She had invested her all in this said relationship only to be denied the joy afterwards. How do people feel at the end of the day when you know you are the reason someones else is crying? How do you sleep knowing you have wronged a being without any reason?
Life is simple but as usual the human in it will make it complicated. We tend to see everything as competition and enjoyment. We lose our way countless times and never seem to learn from situation. We derive joy in hurting our fellow being and find amusement in there pain. Life is a give and take cycle, we all ned to know that what your breathe in is what you produce. There is no short cut to it.

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