Tech Terms You Don't Now Until Now

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

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In this 21st century, there has been lots of innovation and discoveries and we give each term a specific name or abbreviation that most people don't know, for example, HTTPs stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and DML which means Data Manipulation Language. So below, I'll show you-all the major tech abbreviation and their meaninns. Without wasting much of your time. Let's get started..⭐


Tech Terms And Their Meanings

  • User Interface (UI)

User interface is the part of applications and website that users can use to perform activities or interact with the program. It includes the Menu, List, screen layout and keyboards. They're all part of user interface.

  • User Experience (UX)

UX refers to the way how a user Interact and works with a specific program or application. It's the relationship between a user and a program which the user shares he/her experience when operating the program. UX design is another field that uses design to Improve communication between users and a program.

  • User Research (UR)

UR is the process of finding out how a person interacts on a website or application and analysing that behaviour for better user experience and design. This is usually conducted by a new organisation that will test out their service or product to a small number of people before releasing it to the public.

  • Application Programming Interface (API)

API are programming language used by coders to build web applications. It provides the coders building blocks which they put together to create a program of their choice. Google Maps is an example of APIs that allows developers to link Google maps on web pages.

  • Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

This is a type of computer programming language that deals on the creation of objects with special abilities and attributes. The computer programs are built on these objects which interacts with one another. Example of OOP language include Python and PHP.

  • Caching

Caching is a situation where a web browser stores website assets which will make the site load faster and consume less data. Not all browser supports thus features due to the nature of their designs but Chrome is an exceptional browser that supports this feature.

  • Firewalls

Firewalls are security softwares designed to secure and protect a computer network from online attacks/hacks. Firewall is like the middle between connection of your Home WiFi To the internet, it scans inbound activities in network connections and decides which activities will be accessed.

  • Virtual Machine (VM)

VM is a computer software that gives a computer special access to use an operating system on another computer operating system. Examples include: VM ware and Virtual box.



There are many other terms that I've yet to discussed but I'll talk about them on the part 2 of my next post. Thanks for reading..⭐

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