in instablurt •  3 years ago 

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The need for Information technology applications in organizations has increased over time, it helps to grow and build the business sector and commerce to produce maximum output. How then can individual and organizations acquire this IT APPLICATION? I write on it today.


Information technology is the use of computer both software and hardware, data, network, storage, processes and infrastructure to create, process and store in transferring all electronic data. In organizations, Information technology builds communication networks for different department in that organization, creates and administers databases, safeguard Information and data and finally helps employees in organizations in diagnosing and troubleshooting problems found in their mobile devices and computers to endure the effectiveness and efficiency of business activities and security of business Information.

Organization makes use of Information technology applications because it has important effects on business operations and IT applications has both tangible benefits no matter the size of the said organization, it affects the security trade advantage and confidential information with the culture, efficiency, and relationship of business.

**Before, Organization/individual can acquire Information technology (IT) application some planning and justifying in terms of cost and benefits must have occurred.**

There are three ways to justify the acquiring of Information technology IT application which include;

  • Assessing the benefits: Before acquiring Information technology applications assessing the benefits is crucial because benefits maybe harder to quantify since many of them are intangible ( e.g partner relations), organizations though use IT for several different purpose further makes benefits assessment difficult so one probably needs to ask for the input of the intangible benefits that Information system provides.

  • Assessing the cost: Before acquiring Information technology (IT) applications, the need to allocate fixed cost on the IT project is very essential, the fixed cost includes cost of IT services, IT management cost and IT infrastructure. Also, in assessing the cost there is need to include the upfront cost of debugging and maintenance for imporvement of the said Information technology application.

  • Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis: Before acquiring Information technology applications, an organization must has assessed the costs and benefits of IT applications, the organization must take in account the net pre-sent value, return on investment, breakdown analysis and the business case approach.

Having known what to consider before acquiring Information Technology (IT), then strategies for acquiring the application include

BUY THE APPLICATION (off- the- shelf Approach)



In acquiring Information technology applications, the method of buying the application is cost-effective and time-saving strategy in comparison to developing a new one because trying to develop means developing only one application that is software but buying as many as possible then merge the software or packages will be more effective.



In acquiring Information technology applications, the method of leasing (which means collecting it to make use of it within a specified time) will save the organization both time and money in comparison of the first approach of buying, if the said organization is a small-and medium-sized enterprise that cannot afford buying the information technology application.



In acquiring Information technology applications, the method of open-sourcing by obtaining a license in other to make use of it or even customize it to their desire, also open-sourcing makes the IT application which can be a software available to anyone to copy and use the source code used in writing the software.



In acquiring Information technology applications this method makes the organization to pay for the application, here the owner host the application and provides the application over the internet where the organization or individual can be able to download it over paying a stipulated amount of money.



In acquiring Information technology application, this strategy is more costly and time-consuming than the other strategies, it proves to be better in fitting or meeting the organization's specific requirements.


Information technology Application is very important in organizations or individual, it affects the security trade advantage and confidential information with the culture, efficiency, and relationship of business.

In addition, strategies one can use in acquiring these Application are Cost-Benefit effective and before the acquiring planning and justifying in terms of cost, benefit and conducting cost-benefit analysis should be considered and carried out.

I am @ritanenye, thanks for visiting my blog

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