Zero space is never empty!...

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Everything in the world is changing. That is the eternal truth of all things. One thing is new today, it will go to the old name list in a few days. There was a time when a man was small and short, why he used to do business, today he is a big successful businessman. In fact, there is no place, position or space in this world. That will be fulfilled sometime, somehow. The difference between the time of the sky and the underworld between the image of the earth of the primitive age and the earth of the present age. Everything will continue to change as the days go by. If one leaves, the other will come and appear. Never leave a thing or place empty.

When a position in a company becomes vacant, thousands of people rush to join the position every day. But the most deserving people are given the responsibility. So that he can fulfill his responsibility properly. If we plant a tree today, it will be much bigger in the next few years. One day we will sell it but leave the place empty. But I will plant new trees there again. Which means that the empty spaces are never empty. When a person leaves the world, he says that his place will be empty for the rest of his life, but that is not the case. Someone will fill that space.



The reason I talked so much was that there was an empty space in front of the match I was studying from. The place was empty for many years before I expected it. Little children used to go there and play. But a few days ago the work of building a big building started there. The place was no longer empty. The place looks very beautiful from the roof of our match. In a few days, the place seems to have completely changed its image. There will be no more playground for small children. It is now becoming a place of human habitation. In fact, it is the law of nature.


This is exactly the picture of our lives. Not all the empty places in life are always empty. It is sometimes filled by something. But in the middle, maybe a little bit of pain and suffering can ruin your life. I hope you like my writing today. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy.

Thank you all very much for reading my post today.


I am Md. Rasel Ahmed. I am a student. I live in Bangladesh. I am studying in the third semister of Electrical Department of Kushtia Polytechnic Institute. I like to draw and do photography and learn about any new subject.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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