Meritorious Scientists in the World (Polymatics and Science) | Part 5

in instablurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hi, friends!

Today I would like to review a brief profile of world scientists. It doesn't feel like this discussion has several parts. This post is part five. A few days ago I posted as many as 12 scientists in four posts. Starting from physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, medicine, even aviation experts (inventors of aviation). This is indeed a very extraordinary thing, they have inherited knowledge that is very useful to this day.

Alright, in this post I will review some other short profiles of scientists, as follows:

1. Al-Baruni (First Anthropologist)


Abu Raihan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Biruni was an intellectual who had extraordinary genius. He was born in Central Asia in 973 AD and died in 1048 AD. During his lifetime he was known as an astronomer, mathematician, physicist, geographer, historian, linguist, ethnologist, pharmacist, poet, novelist and philosopher. His service to the world is equal to that of Ibn Sina, even more so than himself.

Al-Biruni also once measured the circumference of the earth in a simple way and the results only missed less than one percent of modern calculations. According to his calculations, the circumference of the earth was 25,000 miles, while modern calculations are 24,901 miles.

A century and a half earlier, astronomers under Caliph Al-Ma'mun still followed Greek scientists and calculated the circumference of the earth to be 24,000 miles, less than four percent accuracy.

Al-Biruni's phenomenal works include Qanun i Masoodi and Al Athar Al Baqia.

2. Ibn al-Haitham


Abu Ali al-Hasan bin al-Hasan bin al-Haitham otherwise known as Ibn al-Haitham was born in Basra in 965 AD and died in Qahirah in 1039 AD. In the west He is known as Alhanzen. Ibn al-Haitham was a scientist in the fields of science, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, medicine and philosophy. He provided much inspiration about light to western scientists, such as Roger Bacon, and Kelper in inventing the microscope and telescope.

Ibn al-Haitham's works include Treatise Fi Al-Ain Wa Al-Abshar, Treatise Fi Al-Maraya Al-Muhriqah Bi Ad-Dawa'ir, Treatise Fi In'ithaf Adh-Dhau, At-Tanbih Ala Ma Fi Ar -Rashdi Min Al-Ghalath, Irtifa 'Al-Kawakib, Maqalah Fi Ab'ad Al-Ajram As-Samawiyyah wa Iqdar I'zhamiha wa Ghairiha, Kitab Fi Hai'ati Al-Alam, Treatise Fi Asy-Syafaq, AL-Jami ' Fi Usul Al-Hisab, Ilal Al-Hisab Al-Hindi, and Ta'liq Ala Ilm Al-Jabar.

3. Al Zahrawi


Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas az-Zahrawi or Al-Zahrawi was born in Madinatuz Zahra' located around Cordoba, Spain in 936 AD and died in the city of Cordoba in 1013 AD In the west, Al Zahrawi is known as Abulcasis which is a one of the experts in the field of medicine in medieval Islam. Among the Andalusian Moors, he is known as "El Zahrawi".

Al-Zahrawi was a royal doctor during the Caliph Al-Hakam II of the Umayyad Caliphate. His most famous work is Al-Tasrif, a collection of medical practices consisting of 30 volumes.

This list is only a small part of the many Muslim scientists who have contributed to the improvement of people's living standards. Even so, I hope this article adds to your knowledge and provides inspiration.

These are just a few brief profiles of the world's scientists. Thanks for reading. Warm regards @rahmattrisnamal.

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