in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Dmitry Vechorko

This is a non fiction prompt word from Shadowspub in my email which says;
Write about yourself in a previous life. Living in a different place, doing a different job, enjoying different things than now.

I once lived a life before now which I could remember few things about myself then. I am the only daughter of Chief and Mrs Jackson. I came from a rich home and everything I needed was being provided for me. I never lacked anything right from my primary to secondary school.

I was the best student in school and I got almost all awards in school. I was the senior prefect with a boy who was my assistant. I would say he was the most handsome in the school then. He was crushing on me and I didn't know until he confessed to me during a little game we did at a student's mini birthday party. I was shocked but I saw how serious he was.

I never took it serious then because all I was after was to have the best grade. My father encouraged me to go for a scholarship examination in my school which I did and I was the second girl who was given a scholarship to study abroad. Guess who the first person was? Gabriel, who was my crush.

We traveled together with our parents accompanying us to the US, they made sure everything was put in place. My parent were sober when they were leaving. They were bothered about me and how I would cope but I assured them everything would be okay especially with Gabriel with me.

I already told my mom about Gabriel and she advised me not to try anything funny but to make them proud. My Dad promised to get me a car once I graduate with a first class. This was all I had in thought and I did focused in my studies.

After four years, I and Gabriel graduated with good grades. I had 2.1 (second class upper) while Gabriel had first class. We were both in a relationship but we never allowed that disrupt our education. Mom and Dad were so happy for us and I got my car which Dad promised me when he hosted a welcome party back home for me.

I majored in Child Psychology and I was employed in a big private school where I became a psychologist in the school. Few years later after I have gotten my PhD, I got a recommendation to work in California as a school psychologist. I and Gabriel were still communicating smoothly. He was working in an oil company for some years until he travelled back to the US where he was transferred to held a post abroad.

We planned our wedding and it was a success thereafter. We had two children - a boy and a girl who were doing fine too.

Gabriel took care of me and the children and it was the best family I ever wanted and desired from God.

Many years after, we were getting old which we retired from the Job. Our kids are now grown ups and are doing fine. We weren't even waiting for them to enjoy from them because everything we needed were provided and still remained.

Our children both got the best upbringing from us and we never allowed work to stop us from giving them the quality attention and care they needed. In fact, we were invited to a speech with both of them on stage honoring us and appreciating the best parent they had.

I lived the best life I wanted. Thanks to my parent (Chief and Mrs Jackson) and my wonderful husband (Gabriel) plus the wonderful gifts from God (Anne and Jade).

First published originally by me here

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Thank you 😎