in instablurt •  11 months ago 

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Dear beautiful community, today I am bringing to you what true love is all about. Love is more than what many people term it to be today. True love is striping oneself of glory, honour and position and putting on the garment of service. Love is readiness to lay down one's life for the benefits of others. Love is sacrificing one's life for the peace of other. This is beyond give and take matter. It is the readiness to suffer for the benefits of others. It is the grace to overlook the misdeeds of others. It is the mindset of putting others first in terms of honour and wellbeing. Devoted lovers have to love completely, passionately and romantically. A passionate lover will display a high sense of intimacy, commitment and sincere attachment to the spouse. Such will not shop around for other mates but show adequate support, care and sense of service.

What true love does

True and sincere love suffers long, is kind,rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.

What true love does not do

Does not envy, vaunts, puffed up, does not behaves unseemly, does not seeks its own, not easily provoked, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity and it never fails.

Other ways of showing true love

Nonsexual affection

This is the display of emotional intimacy. This is shown through touching, free plays, kissing, hugging, lapping and caressing. Without nonsexual affection in the family, sex, especially to a wife will only look like a domestic rape.


Verbalising love

This is allowing the vocal cord to express the acclaimed love. Learn to say I love you, you are a darling, you are inestimable, I cherish you, etc. This builds more assurance, confidence and trust in partners.

Quality time.

Love is revealed more through quality time with the lover. Time to share ideas, occurrences, fellowship, jokes or prayer together.

Giving gifts

Gift is an expression of love. No true love can occur without giving. Giving of cash or materials should be constant in the family.


Service, care and support

The essence of marriage is service, care and support. Service has to be both ways. It is giving assistance to each other where necessary. Caring is the provision of welfare and protection. It us feeling the pains of one another and responding positively to it. Giving encouragement during struggles and standing close during difficult moments. The last one here is support. To support is to help where the other person is weak. There is no one who is built to stand alone. We all need support in one area or another. Husbands should learn to give support to their wife during pregnant stage, child birth and caring, emotional stress, physical illness, weakness or financial needs and ditto the wife.

Thanks for going through this piece. @Pastormike

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