in instablurt •  last year 


To awaken is to cause someone to rise up from sleep or inactivity and become sensitive to his environment. It is for such person to wake up and be active. It is for someone to become fully conscious, alert and aware, not asleep. This write up has a focus on the underage and school age children practicing love relationship. They have to take caution because of the many terrible and unpalatable results of such practices. Love relationship is not for inexperienced, underage and school children. If they enter into it, it may become so uncontrollable and may damage their future life chances. So they should be warned not to 'wake up love' because if they do, they may not be able to put it to rest again. There is danger in eating unripe fruits.

The possible result of underage love relationship

In most cases, the females suffer most. Some of
the possible results are as follows; in fact one
problem leads to another.


  1. Unwanted pregnancy
  2. Abortion option
  3. Stoppage of schooling; it has been found out that eighty percent of pregnant teenagers drop out of school.
  4. Ruining of career chances/opportunities.
  5. Rearing of unwanted pregnancy and child
  6. Emotional disturbances
  7. Possibility of having ectopic pregnancies later
    in life resulting from the problems of former
  8. Infertility – Loss of future chances of child
  9. Possibility of contacting sexually transmitted
    diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis,
    Chlamydia, genital herpes, HIV/AIDs etc.
  10. Loss of marriage chances resulting in marrying the wrong person.
  11. Denial of the paternity of the child by the male friend
  12. Damage to cervical muscles
  13. Damages to uterine muscles which may result in uterine perforation.
  14. Infections which may lead to contacting various diseases.
  15. A deep sense of loss and shame
  16. Experience of acute grief reaction
  17. Suicide idea (desire to kill oneself)
  18. Low self esteem
  19. Hatred for self and partner
  20. Depression from guilt
  21. Inability to forgive oneself
  22. Teenage mothers are more likely to be poorer than their age mates who defer childbearing till a more appropriate age.
  23. Imposition of lasting hardship on two
    generations – the adolescent parent and the new born child.
  24. The inexperience of the mother reduces the
    chance of good parenting and child welfare.
  25. Low educational attainment limits the teenage mother to unsatisfying low paid jobs.
  26. Problem of not marrying the first person in
    one's life i.e. the person to whom the virginity is
    lost or the father or mother of your first child.
  27. Possibility of having unhappy marriage which could lead to divorce.
  28. Possibility of adultery after marriage due to
    lack of satisfaction with a single sex mate.
  29. Unhappiness with sex life after marriage due to bad memories of the past sex life.
  30. Possibility of becoming a “Second class”
  31. Spoilage of good youthful testimony
  32. Possibility of becoming a second wife. This is
    common with girls who are lured into sex by
    deceitful married men.
  33. Possibility of becoming a confused personality i.e. not a ready mother, not an adult, yet a mother.
  34. Possibility of not having a mother to assist in
    taking care of the new child due to grievances.

Thanks for going through this piece. @Pastormike

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