
in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Ginger And Mint Leaf For Irregular Period

How does this work?

☘️Ginger contains antixiodiants and anti-inflammatory properties which make it ideal for regulating the body system and helping to put the essential hormones in order. This in return helps those with regulate your period. It also help those with menstrual cramp.

☘️Mint leaf on the other hand has emmenagogic properties which help to stimulate the blood supply in the pelvic area and in the uterus.

☘️The combination of these two help to combat inflammation, get rid of free radicals and keep your immune system healthy.

☘️How to prepare ginger-mint tea for period regulation:
Ingredients (1 time use)
1 tablespoon grated ginger
12 mint leaves
2 cups of boiling water
1-2 slices of lemon

☘️Combine all ingredients in a pot and allow to simmer on medium-low heat until the content is reduced to half. Turn off heat and allow to sit for 10-15minutes, then drink warm. To be taken as the last thing at night or atleast 1 hour before going to bed. To be taken upto three weekly (and not more than 3x).


❗Note 1: Not to be taken when you're on your period. It should be before and after period.

❗Note 2: Put in mind that this can only be effective when you eliminate sugar and junks from your diet, when you eat as healthy as possible, drink adequate daily water and manage stress.

I hope this helps someone, if yes, do let me know


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