Instablurt -

in instablurt •  10 months ago  (edited)

A woman that getting older must be careful all the time . This things is very important and my living testimony will give you idea on how to be safe and to take care of yourself.


Overthinking, feeling devastated and pain can cause illness. Thanks God, I was healthy because I was moving everyday and not lazy . Waking up in the morning visiting the garden and have the sunrise penetration to my body and sweated a lot. Yes, my body structure is fatty but healthy but one day , it was year 2021 when I was being hurted and felt tremendous pain, I didn't able to sleep well. My eyes was sleepy but didn't able to sleep for how many days. My mind was awake and still I worked. I cries a lot those sleepless night and when there was no tears to cry on, my heart experienced so hurt, a pain that I could'nt explain until now. It was the beginning of my illness.


I was rushed to the doctor , had my overall laboratory taste and diagnosed of hypertension. The blood pressure was too high but still manage to work but I was feeling different but no headache at all. The good young doctor told me that this kind of hypertension was a big betrayal to my life that can cause me to die or to be stroke.

He told and asked me why? The age of the doctor was just like my son. He called me mama, I felt good and was inspired that someone , a doctor who never knew me was carefully taking care and concerned about my feeling. He talked my boss and told them that I should relax and take concern about my health. He told me to take maintenance for hypertension to ease my blood pressure while working everyday.

But I stopped sometimes and doing exercises and have diet. I took control my eating habit and it worked well. 2022, I was not taking it normally according to the prescription. I was tired going to the doctor . I was okay but this week, or last day, it coming back again. Those sleepless moment I experienced happened again. Overthinking...but I promised to take my medicine regularly and this is for my safety and for my latest goal in life to achieve. I am now running 53 and too early to die. I am still positive that there are still so many opportunities to come in my life. God is good.

*If I am now in the Philippines while having this illness, it will cost a lot of money for the laboratory test, doctor's fee and medicine . But thanks God, because I am under the insurance of my employers I got all the benefits. Free medication and medicine are shouldered by the governments.

Praise God for saving my life again and I am now in good shape, no headache and I slept well last night. I would like to express my gratefulness to my boss and his youngest daughter and the doctor whobare being used by God and so with the attentive nurses around.

Life must go on! Thank you for your support.



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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Hii ,how are you mam and what's your good name ????
Myself Arshiya from India ,I saw your posts it was nice and I'm following you