Virology is dead

in instablurt •  3 years ago 


In 2011 Stefan Lanka (a virologist) offered a reward for proof of the measles virus. The court case was well publicized for the first part but the appeal case was blacklisted. There was nothing but crickets from the mainstream media. The reason it was blacklisted was obvious. There are many so-called 'experts' going around shouting that Lanka lost the case. They hope most people will look no further but if you do you will find that the High Court in Germany deemed the protocol used to prove any virus, the method used since 1954 by all virologists, is fraud and proves nothing. This is now case law, set in stone. The measles virus was never proven in court to exist.
Despite all the pleas of the case being only won on a technicality someone quietly took down the picture of the supposed measles virus on the online 'Picturebook of Viruses' I grabbed a screenshot of the momentous moment.


I wrote a long article on the case back in 2017 when the appeal case was won.
It's here:
Now I have been a part of translating the original paper presented in the court case into English so everyone can see for themselves the fraud that has been perpetrated on the world.
Here is the translated article:
Virologists are fraudulently still using the exact same method to claim the existance of SARS/Cov2.
I've also been busy translating his paper on SARS/Cov2 isolation which I will be posting out along with the letter to the German hellth minister. All these papers have been sent to him. They know. Soon everyone will know that they know.

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