They're playing Russian Roulette says Chemist

in instablurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

I don't usually post about things I cannot verify which is why I've steered clear of all the graphene posts up until now.
This news came to me today from two people I trust asking me if I believe it. i have to say I just don't know. It all seems very 'dramatic'. No way can I share it on FB for discussion so am putting it here on Blurt.
Soome things do tie in with what this man said, like the blood clots. They make total sense in this story, also the fact that fit, slim people are much more susceptible than obese people.
Here's the video taken from bitchute and uploaded to Odysee because Bitchute is censoring :
Original bitchute video:
His partners announcement of his death:

Yes I know some are saying this looks like bad acting and maybe it is and Dr Noack is not dead but there would also be genuine reasons for someone staging their own death if their life is indeed threatened so I think whether he is dead or not is a side issue for now.
This is the info being posted on Telegram:

🟠Nov.25, 2021: Dr. Andreas Noack, German chemist & carbon specialist; was mentored by the leading German carbon specialist, Dr. Hamut von Kienle; wrote his thesis in this field.

🟠Dr. Noack shows in this short video that it’s NOT graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide, which is found in the vials of the vaxxine (he gets to this around the 6 minute mark).

🟠Professor Dr. Pablo Campra, from the University of Almeira, studied the frequency bands of the vaxxines, which helped Dr. Noack with this research.

🟠Video is in German, with English subtitles.

🟣NOTE: Dr. Noack was brutally attacked & killed on Nov.27, 2021 (as his wife shares in the other 4 minute video below)🙏🙏🙏

🟠SUMMARY POINTS from Dr. Noack:

🟢These nano-scale structures can best be described as carbon 🔪razor blades. These 🔪razor blades are injected into the body;

🟢This is basically Russian roulette…… cuts the 🩸blood vessels;

🟢These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick. This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp;

🟢If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything;

🟢These structures can cut up 🩸blood vessels. People bleed to ☠️death on the inside;

🟢The faster the 🩸blood flows, the more damage the 🔪razors will do. Especially the athletes who are dropping dead, who have fast flowing 🩸blood;

🟢As a chemist, if you inject this into the 🩸blood, you know you are a murderer;

🟢Top athletes, with high 🩸blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop ☠️dead;

🟢The question you have to ask politicians & doctors is why are there 🔪razor blades in the vaxxine?

🟢Completely new substances unknown to Nature are brought in with the vaxxines;

🟢Every chemist understands what this graphene hydroxide does;

🟢The mRNA story is possibly a diversion….They distract us with the messenger RNA, but people cannot collapse that quickly from mRNA, right after the injection. Something else is going on;

🟢Any doctor who, after this info is public, continues to inject this, is a ☠️murderer;

🟢It is a highly intelligent poison;

🟢A normal toxicologist who works with Petri dishes cannot find it & will not find anything, because it doesn’t move;

🟢As chemists, we are absolutely certain that the graphene hydroxide is in there;

🟢These are nano-scale 🔪razor blades;

🟢Now they want to inject children with these nano-sized 🔪razors;

🟢This material has zero biological degradability. It stays in the body forever;

🟢Even if people don’t drop ☠️dead immediately, it cuts up the 🩸blood vessels little by little;

🟢It destroys the ❤️heart…….If you understand that 🔪razors are being injected, it is clear why all the ❤️cardiovascular diseases appear;

🟢The ❤️heart is cut up. The brain is cut up. 🩸Blood vessels are cut up;

🟢These graphene structures (a.k.a. monolayer carbon & monolayer graphite) are so stable. Every chemist knows this. They are not degradable;

🟢The epithelial cells (which lines the surfaces of your body……skin, blood vessels, organs, etc.) are extremely smooth for a good reason, but become rough when cut up like this and things stick to it;

🟢Notice how little doctors know about chemistry, but they are doing chemistry in the body
UPDATE for those who thought his girlfriend was an actress -

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This all goes back to the fundamental reason that nobody - nobody - is allowed to test what is in these vile vials!
Not even to random test wtf is in them.
This is what govscum around the world have been forced to sign contracts regarding - those that don't, discover some long-term condition they never knew about.
This whole skam involves multiple attacks using multiple toxins in multiple locations - it is not one thing.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ask any general medic how many hours they did on viruses at medschool - or on pharmacology or vaxes.
Most are just licensed drug dealers.

I've seen how much they do on vaccines and viruses in their 'med schools' yes and it amounts to half a day and most of that is learning the vaccine schedule not ingredients. You are so right.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I watched 3 videos one he was talking about the Graphene hydroxide then another were the police bashed their way into his place and arrested him live while he was talking about it and the third one his apparent wife/girlfriend talk about him being killed for exposing this information. I must say it all seems to make sense of what we see happening with a lot of COVID vaxed people. Still don't know if it's true but definitely seems like it could be.

The police bashing in his door happened last year it is not what happened this time. I don't know why someone has made out that is a new video, I watched it live at the time last year. Apparently he had a kind of asthma attack/couldn't breathe which sounds like he was 'targetted'. They've had 'heart attack guns' since the 60's.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow thanks for bringing that to my attention about the arrest last year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


What does this mean this 'BLURT!T'? Is it code for something?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think it means I reBLURTed your piece.
High regards for the work!

Oh OK thanx very much!