Covid Shots Results Are In.....

in instablurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

While everyone is looking over there (you know where) the results of the gene therapy trials were revealed.


Renz said Pfizer vaccine recipients did not receive informed consent when they took the vaccine because the potential side effects were kept secret.

Pfizer wanted to hide their data from the public for for 50 years, but a court ordered them to produce it.

Attorney Thomas Renz reacted to Pfizer’s latest data report listing possible side effects from their COVID gene therapy “vaccines”.
He said that the FDA, by law, is required to weigh up the potential harm versus potential benefit of a new drug or vaccine when they release them under the Emergency Use Authorization, and the shots should have been pulled from the market.

He said that people who were responsible need to be held accountable, but only law enforcement can put them in prison.

He intends to sue the vaccine manufacturers and authorities who knowingly pushed harmful 'vaccines'. But vaccine manufacturers may not be sued, unless their actions were wilful under the 1986 act.

Meanwhile the WHO and USA are pushing forward with digital 'health' passports. International travel will be affected depending on which countries sign up for the system.


I wonder how they will justify demanding shots which are under investigation on potential travellers? How is this even legal?

Meanwhile covid is over, done and dusted, at least in the media circus world. Visible restrictions are disappearing worldwide but they have not picked up ALL their garbage. The future is littered with legal wranglings and paperwork.

Don't take your eyes off the ball while watching the new drama they've concocted for us -

The fully vaccinated account for 9 of every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated, according to the latest data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency.

Guess what tho, these are not even ALL the figures -

So I guess we'll have to look at the 9 PAGES of expected adverse reactions in the Pfizer report and probably a new court case to release those figures huh?


Pfizer Document on Vaccine Adverse Events:
"The document's appendix is nine pages long and it lists all recorded adverse events associated with this jab. The very first one Pfizer admitted that was associated is '1p36 deletion syndrome'. This is a congenital genetic disorder that affects fetuses and deletes part of their chromosomes, causing them to be born with severe intellectual disabilities". (credit Ann Leson)

"This is not simply some list of every possible disease known to mankind for which Pfizer was “on the lookout”; instead, this appears to be a list of known side effects from the injections, from earlier rounds, that the company knew to watch for. Defenders of the injection program are going to downplay the seriousness of this list, while critics must also be careful how they interpret this. At this moment in time, what’s significant is that Pfizer attempted to seal for 75 years information about known side effects contrary to marketing the drugs as safe and effective. This is especially disturbing in light of the company’s history of paying billions from lawsuits, and documented evidence of corruption from company whistleblowers.

The data derives from Pfizer’s from three-months of data, post marketing authorization, involving about 45,000 people around the world, 42,000 of whom reported adverse effects. (So much for the “vaccines” being “tested, safe and effective.”) The drug company and governments would have had great difficulty marketing its injections had the scope of injury been publicly known from the beginning. The data suggests a potential catastrophe is unfolding worldwide since the injection program started a year ago."

Meanwhile back on the sports field - the restrictions have done a 180 degree flip. You just can't make this shit up!!!


On that note it looks like a split will happen between those who are on board with the new 'modern medicine' system and those who are not so listen to this convo between 2 doctors talking about how the system has changed in the last 40-50 years. Real eye-opening stuff -

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Every truth starts off as a conspiracy theory until it becomes normal and then dismissed as accidental. Human scum.
eg I have never seen so many footballers collapse during a game - and not even faking it for a penalty!

Posted from

Although they wanted to keep it secret for 50 years, releasing it under the fog of war (and the ensuing media onslaught) will ensure that the majority will shrug their shoulders and carry on regardless. I know the court ordered it, but still, well timed eh?!

I saw today that the cricketer Shane Warne died - of a heart attack! I know so many people that have had heart issues since taking the vaccine - the majority seemingly unable to take the logical step of connecting the two. I guess In doing so, they would have to question themselves - and of course, these days people are far too smart to have the wool pulled over their eyes. What can you say.

Maybe he shook his duvet too hard eh? Why are so few joining the dots when it's blatantly obvious?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How is it possible people are still not seeing this?!!! But many are not.
Topsy turvy, unreal, surreal, twilight zone.

people only see what they want to see. That's becoming clearer to me. I'm not even sure it will do anyone any good to know what they've possibly done to themselves and it's all soon to be revealed anyway. Many only learn the hard way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I disagree a bit. People see what they have been told to see, via education, movies, media, institutions etc. People see what they have been shown. Some of us look beyond the images that are shoved in our faces. The trick is to get more of us to understand that our understandings have been shaped for us, not by us.

I sense a fragmenting, a fraying, a dissolution of the images that have been crafted for us.

it's all soon to be revealed

It is being revealed already but some don't want to see it. They choose to look the other way a bit like when you cover your eyes at the scary/gory parts of a movie.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

People will or will not open their eyes but they surely will die fast .

THIS - will show starting in April 2022 ... from women who are pregnant and vaxxed and from babies who were birthed after vax and babies who got the vax ... this is going to be nasty .

Posted from

Yes I fear you're right and personally been affected by this. Did you see my 'I'm A Monster' post? Just awful and Im not alone.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

From who ? A link please

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh yes i have read that one .

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In Russia when people asked them to show stats about vaccinated people with Sputnik V, they said that's a commercial secret. lol

Yeh I did wonder myself about that. Maybe they all got placebo's?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Or got a vitamin or nothing like so many faked vaccinated politicians.