Talk about passwords

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

In this age of modern technology, we are all deeply involved in technology at every moment.
As such it is very beneficial and convenient for us.
In the same way, due to our little carelessness and inattention, many big dangers can happen in a moment.

For example,
If a bad guy threatens to kill someone from your or my email. Then who will be responsible for this ??
Of course on you or me.
Because the email address is no longer the person threatening.

This is most likely to happen when we fail to ensure the security of our email address's password or any other useful password.


So wherever we have accounts, including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, almost the same security measures should be taken.
These issues are usually in the security settings.
So be a little more careful and ensure this proper security.

I have tried to share with you some general tips for any ID.
Such as:

  • Passwords should be changed every few days.

  • Many people use mobile numbers, date of birth, wedding anniversary as passwords.
    So these kinds of common things should never be used as passwords.

  • Strong passwords, small letters, numbers or different types of symbols are not likely to be hacked ID.

  • Where such inappropriate password should be written. Similarly, it is inappropriate to use the same password in all IDs.

This kind of simple writing that came out of my little head, I will actually be of any use to you.

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