At every step with nature one takes much more than one wants.

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

A few days ago I went on a picnic with my family.
This picnic was organized from my husband's office.
Get together can say, what else!

It was about a two hour drive from our town.
We drove.
The car was moving slowly, so it took maybe two hours.
Otherwise it might have taken less time.





So on the way to the picnic by car, I was looking out the window and enjoying the natural beauty.
I was bewildered by one fascination after another while looking.
Once upon a time there was a mustard field like a yellow carpet.
Once again the scene of planting Boro rice seedlings.
It was as if someone had spread a soft green carpet on the ground.



Sometimes I saw a simple bride walking on the isle of the village land.
Scene of a farmer working in a field.

Such a wonderful scene together can only be imagined by reading a story book.
But I have got the opportunity to enjoy all these beauties with my own eyes.

Do you know the truth?
I felt much more blessed that day.

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