Vrsar is a small agricultural fishing village with a harbor. About 1800 inhabitants live here. T

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Vrsar je malo poljoprivredni ribarsko mjesto s lukom. Ovdje živi oko 1800 stanovnika. Grad je jedinstvo sa svojim browning šumama i devastiranim romantičnim okruženjem. Zahvaljujući prekrasnoj povijesnoj jezgri, jedno je od najljepših ljetovališta u Istri...
Vrsar is a small agricultural fishing village with a harbor. About 1800 inhabitants live here. The city is one with its browning forests and devastated romantic surroundings. Thanks to its beautiful historical core, it is one of the most beautiful summer resorts in Istria...


Vrsar se nalazi 10 km južno od Poreča. Vrlo je popularno turističko odredište na jadranskoj obali. Iz Češke možete doći ovdje za oko 8-10 sati...
Vrsar is located 10 km south of Porec. It is a very popular tourist destination on the Adriatic coast. From the Czech Republic you can come here in about 8-10 hours...


U Vrsaru su pronađene antičke iskopine, a grad je počeo cvjetati u 12. stoljeću, kada je ovdje boravio biskup.Povijesna jezgra smještena je na brežuljku, pod zapovjedništvom crkve sv. Martina, vidal juv u daljinu. Zvono skriva jedinstvena zbirka starih crkvena zvona...
Ancient excavations were found in Vrsar, and the town began to flourish in the 12th century, when the bishop resided here. The historic center is located on a hill, under the command of the church of St. Martina, saw juv in the distance. The bell hides a unique collection of old church bells...


Grad je poznat po vađenju kamena koje ima vrsarsku tradiciju iz rimskog doba. Ovdje se svake godine održava kiparska škola Montraker za mlade umjetnike. Njihova radovi bili su odmah vidljivi po gradu.Vrsarska plaža Zemljište oko Vrsara je većim dijelom ravno. ..
The town is known for quarrying stone, which has a Vrsar tradition from Roman times. The Montraker School of Sculpture for Young Artists is held here every year. Their works were immediately visible in the city. Vrsar beach The land around Vrsar is mostly flat...


Mnogo je malih nenaseljenih otoka. Plaže su uglavnom stjenovite, ali popločane (šljunčane) s prostorima za sunčanje i postupni ulazak u more (prikladnoi za malú djecu). Ostale gradske plaže dobivaju čak i Plavu zastavu (Valkanela, Porto Sole, Vala, plaža hotel skog kompleksi Belvedere)...
There are many small uninhabited islands. The beaches are mostly rocky, but paved (pebble) with areas for sunbathing and gradual entry into the sea (suitable for small children). Other city beaches even get the Blue Flag (Valkanela, Porto Sole, Vala, the beach of the Belvedere hotel complex)...


Destinacija oko Vrsara uglavnom je fokusirana na kampove koji imaju sjajnu pozadinu (najbolji u Hrvatskoj). Najpoznatiji kampovi su Valkanela, Porto Sole, Orsera ili nudistička Koversada. Ako više volite hotelski smještaj, najbolji su Belvedere, Petalon ili Pineta...
The destination around Vrsar is mainly focused on campsites that have a great background (the best in Croatia). The most famous camps are Valkanela, Porto Sole, Orsera or the nudist Koversada. If you prefer hotel accommodation, the best are Belvedere, Petalon or Pineta...


Od luke, pješačka staza do grada i pogleda na more leži iznad šumice Montraker.S vidikovca možete imati cijeli Vrsar s lukom na dlanu...
From the port, the hiking trail to the city and the sea view lies above the Montraker grove. From the lookout you can have the whole of Vrsar with a port in the palm of your hand...



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