"What is the value of politics?"

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Hi friends! How are you? I am fine. I am sharing an article about political value in our social life.
Life is a notion of a hard definition. Social in our society is one who is connected to the society, that is, well acquainted with the social environment. Man is a social animal, who desires to live collectively and society would be such a community of individuals, in which the interests of a particular cultural-civilization and principles are emphasized. It is these concepts which bring us closer to social life. In which social principles have to be defined in opposition to some principles of private life in public. That is why this life is considered to be the most excellent, because it is given complete freedom that people can be voluntary and involuntary on any particular task, which is global in mental, spiritual and physical form.
Natural is also a witness to the fact that all the human races of the world, even after being born from the same parents, are anti-caste of each other. Physics is similar to each other according to structure but defines diversity and difference mentally and spiritually. One who shows the spirit of humanity and life. This statement is true that all over the world mankind has been making enemies of each other since the very beginning. Never defines the pride, pride and honor of his opposition. Still, keeping the respect of global principles, considers the one in front as the ideal for living life and copies it. And it has been going on since the very beginning in the competition between the king-subject and the ruler-ruled, in which every person considers his fate as the answerer.
In the present time, social elections or Panchayati-Politics confirms this. Politics is a group of two words, Raj is made of policy. Literally meaning of Raj : Governance and Government and Policy meaning : Art of doing the right thing. That is, achieving specific objectives by doing the right things at the right time and at the right place through a particular policy is called politics. In other words, providing developed progress to the social, economic and public standard of living of the people is called politics. Politician is actually the doer of politics, which means: A person who does not compromise on policy principles in the field of politics on the basis of political philosophy is called a politician. But in the same way comes a word business, which is also related to the general public. Where priority is given to the service of the public in politics, while in business the service of the public or the people in public is given priority, but priority is given to the service of oneself.
Meaning of business: Buying and selling means that the transfer of ownership of goods from one person to another is called business. The purpose of which is to earn profit by fulfilling the needs of the society through its services. Politics and business are two such different words, which basically have two sides and each side is complementary to each other. Like politicians and people in politics, businessmen and customers in business, in which both the parties depend on each other for their social and economic upliftment.

In view of the friendship of politics and business, we have got a wrong impression about elections. In the present time, the objectives of politics are those which are of business. Due to which there has been a great difference in the dignity of the politics of the present and the political principles created in the past. Originally it should be used for the service of common people, but at present it is used for personal gain and upliftment of a particular class. As in business.
Therefore, people's dissatisfaction with the politician is clearly visible in the election and do not remain united even on any particular issue. In the midst of these social upheavals and public dissent, that is, in the context of the new political principles of the present, one must believe that the political dignity has been spoiled. Illegally making a candidate in his favor by giving money to voters i.e. buying votes and voting by a voter by taking money i.e. selling votes, it is directly rigged in the election. Understand this, that the polling station is a seasonal There is a market in which candidates and voters are businessmen who do the despicable work of buying and selling votes apart from humanity, ie shops run. Voters and candidates are equal partners in this.
कभी कभी इन्ही नकारात्मक प्रभाव को देखकर किसी प्रत्याशी या मतदाता पर व्यक्तिगत कटाक्ष कर या व्यक्तिगत जीवन पर लान-छन लगाते हुए बदनाम करने का प्रयास करते हैं,जो शत प्रतिशत (१००%) अवैध है। क्योंकि कोई भी जन्म-जात रिश्वत-खोर तथा भ्रष्टाचार नहीं होता।ये हमारे अवैध-कर्मों का दोषपूर्ण नतीजा है। कोसना है तो कोसीये अपने आपको अपने सिस्टम को, जिसने मानवीय मान- मर्यादा की परिभाषा ही को बदल दिया है। हमारा रुल- रेगूलेशन इतना खराब हो गया है कि वर्तमान में संविधान भी शर्मीन्दा है, जिसने हमें एक-एक मत का महत्व एवं कीमत बताई और ऊंच-नीच का भेद-भाव मिटाकर हम समस्त भारत वासियों को समतल भूमि अधिग्रहण कराया कि संविधान की मूल द्रष्टि में कोई बड़ा नहीं कोई छोटा नहीं।पर दुखदाई बात यह है कि वर्तमान में इसी संविधान की मान-मर्यादा की खुलेआम नीलामी करा कर मतों की व्यापारी राजनैतिक ढंग से होने लगी है, जिसमें कोई मतदाता वोट के रूप में खुद की कीमत रखता है तो कोई प्रत्याशी राजनेता के रूप में नहीं बल्कि व्यापारी की शक्ल में मतदाताओं को मतों के रूप खरीदने का भरपूर प्रयास करता है। अधिकतर वोटर रूपियों के लालच में पड़ कर अपना बहुमूल्य वोट को चन्द कोड़ी के विनियम बेच देते हैं (ये पंचायती चुनावों में खूब होता है)।जिसे कोई पैसा वाला धनी व्यक्ति खरीद जाता है,गुणवत्ता वाला नहीं, जिसके कारण कोई भ्रष्टाचार एवं रिश्वतखोर तथा राजनीति के प्रति कोई मुर्ख जीत जाता है।जिसे हम एक पल की गलती के बदले पांच वर्षों तक दण्ड के रूप में झेलते हैं(नोट:-इस दोषपूर्ण राजनीतिक प्राणाली में कुछ राजनेता एवं मतदाता सम्मिलित नहीं हैं)
When such politicians come elected, they never reach the right place in the right time to serve the public and listens to the less mind of the people, that is, they work according to their wishes, because they do mathematical calculations of the listed expenditures made in the elections. Gets busy in solving the equation, that how much money has been spent in politics i.e. business and how much income has been earned till now since personal profit earning is given priority in business. Because he started politics i.e. business by buying votes, then why serve the public, the logical thing is that when a person does business by investing money, why should he serve the society when the property is private.
When people get fed up with the characterlessness of the above characterless leader and face difficulties, that is, there is no help in official work. Such helpless people make up their mind before the election, that this time they will not vote without money, that is, they will sell the votes, whose goal is to earn a little profit in the form of price. Due to which both politicians and public do not do business in elections. Many things need to be put in their mind to eliminate these faulty customs and illegal political methods. Which are as follows:-
Use your vote wisely i.e. don't sell. 2) Issue instructions on the importance of one vote each. 3) Eliminate discrimination and choose a particular quality. 4) Spend right in the election! Avoiding wasteful expenditure. 5) Vote on the issue. 6) Use power wisely in your working hours! Of course, not grandeur. 7) Give equal rights to the general public, no discrimination. 8) Lethargy and not moody in working. 9) Carry out politics from a constitutional point of view. 10) Focus the attention of the general public on the constitutional origin of politics. 11) Promote unity.
May Allah give strength to all of us to understand the above article from a positive point of view and protect us from negative effects. @moijarmnichi
Thanks for readers!

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