Authentic Borneo Fruit : Cempedak

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Picture Source pinterest

As a tropical country Indonesia have so many kind of fruit. We can found so many special fruit or authentic fruit here. One of them is Cempedak. From outside Cempedak is look like a Jackfruit, but inside the fruit is more smaller and sweeter than Jackfruit.


Picture Source : pinterest

In my city Borneo when Cempedak season is coming, every street is smell like this fruit. Because so many fruitstall sell this fruit. And in a streetfood stall theres a seller make Sanggar Cempedak, you put a cempedak to a dough then you fry it. Its make Cempedak sweeter than before.


Today I buy Cempedak from my friend, and I'll make Sanggar Cempedak for night snack. I'll show you how to make it later.

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan