Easter cactus

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Easter cactus, is also known as a spring cactus or Rhipsalidopsis gaetneri. I've had a Christmas cactus for years, but only recently learned that there are three types, including one that blooms around the end of November that is known as a Thanksgiving cactus. The Easter cactus is one of three popular holiday cacti—along with the Thanksgiving and Christmas species. All three are easy to grow and make the holidays a bit more colorful.

I've had 2 different shades of pink Easter cactus, but squirrels ate the light pink one when I put it out on the deck for the summer.
I understand they also are available in yellow and orange.



This is a Thanksgiving Cactus. These plants are not true cacti and need to be watered when the soil dries out.



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh how nice! I renember I had one like the red one on your photos once. But honestly cant remeber where and when he is gone.

Good to see you here !!

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