Freewriting and a Word Chain

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Hi there!

It has been a while since I have done this, freewriting I mean. I was feeling a lot today so I decided to throw one of these today and may it help me relax for a bit. I am not quite sure though if I could still write another article like this that makes sense. Anyhow, let's try this and let us see what I can come up with, shall we?

To be totally and genuinely honest with you, I don't really have a topic or a theme in mind so this will be so random and I hope you don't mind a garbled view inside my thoughts. Oh man, I feel naked and vulnerable.

Vulnerable. No matter what we try to do, human beings will always be vulnerable to something. May it be disease, virus, emotions, or people. Actually, even if you're not a human being you might be vulnerable to something, just like how Superman is vulnerable to kryptonite. I guess what I am trying to say is, we all have our own kryptonite.

Kryptonite. It's what makes Superman fall to the likes of us. It makes him weak, it makes him bleed, it makes him human. I would like to ask you now, what is your kryptonite? Or maybe I should rephrase it to 'Who is your Kryptonite'? Don't you have that someone? Who makes you feel so weak, so small, yet makes you feel everything there is to feel?

Feel. I feel like the world is truly unfair. Now more than ever, but then I come to realize that it's not the world's fault that is unfair, what makes it unfair is the people around us. It's the people who are unfair, they make the world unfair and they make life seem unfair. It's that kind of people that make it living a whole lot harder. Don't you agree?

Agree. Wouldn't it be so nice if we all just agree as a species? What would the world be like if there are no disagreements among anybody? Will the world know true peace if there are no countries in conflict with each other? I am just curious about what would it mean if we all agree. That would be an ideal concept but I don't think that will bring peace. We all need conflict, we all need disagreement to grow, to develop, and to progress.

Progress. I don't think that this article is seeing the progress that is worthy of your time. I don't think that it is progressing as I expect it to. I may be accumulating some dust and rust in my mechanics, and it is also a possibility that I really don't have a knack for writing contrary to what I would like to believe. I thought that I have a sleeping talent in composing written literature but maybe I don't. Wow, this took a really dark turn and is starting to shed some doubts over my personality and character.

Character. We all have a unique set of attitudes, nuances, behaviors, and personalities that makes us unique. They all come together and make us a single character. If you are going to answer with a certain truthfulness and honesty, what kind of character do you have? We are all characters in our own stories, in our own lives. Unlike the made-up characters in fantasy and fiction, we can choose and shape up our own characters in our volition and in our own liking. Yeah, for real, let's just live how we like.

Like. I like to say more but my mind is crumbling the more I try to think so I believe that I will just finish this session with this little statement: Free your mind, relax a bit and write.

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