Random Picture 12 Words, wallet key# 6 Matic in wallet -4

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Hello blurt friends, this is a picture of the Phrase MNEMONIC Crypto wallet word cut, which is 12 words in total. This is a challenge for you. If you can arrange the 12 MNEMONIC words correctly, then in return you have the right to move Crypto assets in the wallet.

I will post these MNEMONIC words every day,

You can collect these words to arrange as a wallet opening key

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Please vote for my witness!!!!! Help me stay top 20!!!!!!
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key!
🗳️ https://blurtwallet.com/~witnesses?highlight=outofthematrix

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Thank you so much for your support buddy!!! It is much appreciated! 🙏🍀❤️👍