Matti turned 5 months on December 25, 2020, it's Christmas time and so my husband and I decided to also set it as his dedication day. We dedicated Matti to the Lord because as Christians, we acknowledge that he is God's gift to us but we are also just caretakers, God owns Matti and so we have the confidence that God loves Matti.
The cake was still ordered from Sticky Buns. I just asked them to put the 5th Month on the top. We had prepared a lot during that day, lechon, cakes, sweets, many viands, I had requested some relatives to cook for us and the visitors, church friends and relatives.
The photoshoot was done a day before the dedication day so it was good to be out of tasks to do after. Matti was wearing denim long sleeves which we had to roll up since it's too big for him just yet. The short was a hand me down from a church friend.
What a cute baby!
thanks !