Instablurt: Matti Playing Kite with Papa

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Hello dear guys! Back when I was younger, every summer, I would fly kites together with my brothers and neighbor friends. It is the time of the year when the rice paddies are all dried up and since there's a huge space there, it became our instant playground.

Now that my baby is already recognizing what a kite is, he had also requested that we he fly a kite. He knows how to say papa, buy kite and so the father couldn't say no to the baby's request.

Here, we were trying to launch the kite to the air but the toddler thought he has a better idea of making sure the kite flies. No kite went flying at the end of the day. Teehee...


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have fun flying your kite Matti!