Today's Celebration of Love
I understand how you feel but I was informed about the changes,
is now between lovers who exchange emotional entanglement.
I told you a love stories about two love birds
who clingy to each like butter and bread.
I wasn't talking about the love Saint Valentine's shared
he was known for his generosity and care for the human race and his assignment was clear so the world recognize his impact even after he died for so many years
but the modern day understanding based on what we see as Valentine's celebration beyond what I can say or express
So I told Chiamaka this day wasn't created for fantasy with so much expectations from Nnamdi
Love is like a seed and when planted in the right hearts
the harvest becomes generational upliftment
do not let the world advancement change your ideology and change your mind set on how you see things.
Happy Valentine's day you All.
Love overrules