POLITICAL POETRY..... ( My Observation)

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

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Political poetry brings a unique aspiration that show the connection between politics and poetry. According to "The Politics of Poetry"by David Orr, poetry and politics connect through expression and feeling, although both of them are matters of persuasion.

Political poetry connects to people's feelings, and politics connects to current events. Poetry can also make political references and have real effects on the perception of politics.

Political poetry can impact readers because both politics and poetry express views, with political poetry often defined as being: "a specific political situation; rooted in an identifiable political philosophy; taddressing a particular political actor; written in language that can be understood and appreciated by its intended audience; and finally, offered in a public forum where it can have maximum persuasive effect.


I think in my own observation, " A cage mind is a political entity looking beyond the feasibility of normal reasoning.

I observe too many jurisdiction, deep thoughts and blank promises, it was supposed to be a means to govern and Lead the people, but the minds grip a different tape, pledging loyalty to riches.

Let the transformation start from the minds of the willing, leaving no trace for weak minded individuals, I can trace the pathway in darkness, I can win an invisible battle, my mind is the treasure gate, let it lead the way..

Describe your own political poetry and lead your nation, relate with the affairs of your thoughts and speak the truth.

political poetry is every poem that dares to reveal truths against tyranny. That dances in the face of grief to reveal even more life. Throw a political poet in prison and her fingers will write poems in concrete, cut her hands and her voice will scream her poems, shut her mouth and the people will respond in her poems.

Make your practice poetic and claim your freedom with practical knowledge.

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My Observation. ( POLITICAL POETRY)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Politics is indeed something else
Nice observation