in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone,
Good day and welcome to my blog today I will discuss with you the classification of plant bease on their life circle.
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In the classification based on life cycle, plants are grouped into three categories based on their life cycle or the life span of the crop plants, or the number of years a plant is able to grow, mature and produce fruits. The group are:

  • Annuals: Annuals are plants which completes their life cycle in one season. In other words, the plants grow, mature, produce fruits and die within one year.
    Examples of annual plants are maize, rice, cowpea, millet, vegetable, cotton, groundnut, etc.

  • Biennials: Theses are plants which complete their life cycles within two years. These plants develop their vegetative parts during the first year and produce fruits and die during the second years. Examples of biennal plants are; pepper, carrot, onion, ginger, etc.

  • Perennials: Perennial plants grow, mature and produce fruits for more than two years. In this case, some plants can live for three, five, ten or even over 20 years. Examples of Perennial plants are cocoa, banana, orange, rubber, mango, plantain, cashew, avocado, etc.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan