in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Why is it that debatably the world’s richest continent – in acts of natural resources – has some of the world’s poorest countries?

Africa as huge natural resources such a Petroleum and Natural gas, Gold, Oil, Diamond, Cotton, Iron Ore, Coffee and so on that are use for raw materials


99% of the worlds' platinum supply is from Africa

What is Platinum: Platinum is part of the chemical element and has a atomic number of 78. Platinum is made from a material called cooperite, most Platinum are even more expensive than Gold....


Half of world's gold supply is from Africa

What is Gold you may ask. well, I know you all know what gold is so am going to make this as short as possible....

Gold is a heavy yellow elemental metal of great value, with atomic number 79 and symbol Au.

Uses of Gold. Gold is used to make items like medal and Awards, Electronic devices and is use in the word market as a store of value.


So all those material mentioned earlier are not mined by African therefore they are not processed in Africa they are sent to other rich countries for processing and creation of product and finished raw materials, the same product and finished raw materials are sold back to Africa at a certain amount of price and some government in Africa lift a heavy taxes with the same product and raw material


This is one of the challenges facing Africa countries right now and China is using it to trap most Africa countries. Over 50 countries are in debt in Africa alone. An my home country Nigeria is one of them and has the total Debt of N38. 005 trillion as of last year, an that's what make me more nervous, cause I don't know how we are going pay those huge debt ok for instant look at Sri lanka

Sri lanka Sri Lanka has borrowed heavily from China for infrastructure, some of which ended up as white elephants. Unable to repay the loan of $1.4bn for a port construction in southern Sri Lanka, Colombo the largest city in sir lanka was forced to lease the facility to a Chinese company for 99 years in 2017.
The United States and India warned that the Hambantota port, located along vital east-west international shipping routes, could give China a military toehold in the Indian Ocean. Both Colombo and Beijing have denied that Sri Lankan ports will be used for any military purposes.
Wang arrived in Sri Lanka on Saturday night after visiting the nearby Maldives, in the final leg of his first foreign tour of 2022 which has also taken him to Eritrea, Kenya and the Comoros.
China offered the Maldives infrastructure maintenance, medical aid and visa concessions as Beijing moved to strengthen its connections with the strategically placed archipelago



This Article will not be complete without adding the main poison that is killing African countries corruption. Corruption in African countries is stopping economic growth, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth, good governance and basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech or citizens’ right to hold governments to account.

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Africa is indeed a rich continent but due to the immoral government that controls them, that's why Africa is classified as one of the poorest continent.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Ok will do so