Visiting Our Vacant Lot

in instablurt •  4 months ago 


Today, my destination will be at our vacant place near at Barangay calangahan Lugait Misamis Oriental. Its been a long time since I did not take a visits in there and we already predict that the place is already filled with more wild grass, and this will be very challenging for us to removed it. But today, I only visited the place to check and see the areas. It takes a few hours of traveling before I arrived at our vacant lot. As for that, I also want to share the images of the place so that you can imagine how relaxing and fascinating the area is. While making this article and content of mine, I still here are our vacant lot searching for fascinating and perfect for capturing pictures.

As I seen the place, it really needs to clean up just like removing this wild plants. It is not good for the crops and other valuable plants to have this wild plants grows in the place. We called this, hagonoy and it is very common and popular wild grass here. This can make the plants and vegetables harmful to it and it really hard to removed and cut this. There are lots of dangerous animals hiding in this vast of wild grass just like Snakes, Scorpions and other dangerous animals so it really needs to be careful by removing and cleaning it.

There are some Papaya plants grows in the place. It needs to clean on ots surroundings so that it grows very healthy and produces more fruits. I am curios why it grows here but because it produces fruits, we let it live and grow here, soon we can do harvesting of papaya fruits. The best thing we will do is to removed the dry leaves and cultivating the surrounding areas of the plants.

Trees are also everywhere here in our Vacant lot. Some of the trees can be found here are Germilina and Mahogany and Karot trees. It keeps the place even cool and gives a shady areas. We don't cut this trees because it helps us a lot in here. There are many different kinds of birds flying in the place and berching at the tree making their nests. The dried leaves that falls to the ground is good for organic fertilizer that helps to the crops soon will be planted here.

There are only few coconut plants can be seen here in our Lot. The old coconut trees was already cut down and sell to the lumber store. When the coconut tree will not produce fruits, this is the time to cut and sell to the construction stores. We will not planting coconuts in here because the place contains only few of soil and it is better to plant vegetables and crops.

This big molave tree also gives a cool and shady place in the lot. We planned to built a waiting shed under this big tree so that we can have a perfect place to rest for a minute. The branches of this tree is good for using as firewood, it produces charcoals that can help grilling fish or meat. This is the only molave tree grows in the place and we keep it grower and bigger.


Some wild insects just like this one can also be found in here. We called this kind of insect, Labod. The fluid of this is very dangerous because it can make the people blind. It leaves under the dry leaves or bigs stones but it is not harmful to plants.

This fascinating mushroom also grows everywhere as long as it does not hit directly from the sun. Mostly, it grows in a rotten coconut trees, and big trees. It contains a whitish color with gray on the tip of its leaves.


I noticed this tree and it looks like this will be losen and separating on its tree trunks. I decided to removed all of it and started to dry, this is perfect and good for firewood uses. We are very lucky to have vacant place just like this, we can be abled to plant different kinds of roots crops and any valuable plants that can sell to the market and to have a simple family business.

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