My Simple Activities Here In The Farm

in instablurt •  4 months ago 


Each of us has different kinds of obligations in Life and all of this will be lead to us to become successful and to achieved our dreams. This morning, My activities in Life are very simple and this is walking around the farm. We are lucky to have this wide and spacious place here in the Province, and to that we can be abled to plant many kinds of valuable crops and vegetables. Aside of that, we can install or build a structures just for our raising animals and fish culture activities.

First, Allow me to share this first activity I did this morning, and this was checking our fish pond. I am happy to see that our cultured commercial telapia fish are grows very healthy and soon this will be ready for harvesting.

We already build two big fish pond and each pond contains 3,500 Commercial telapia. We fed them with fish floaters every morning and drained some water every sunday. As I checked those ponds, it is ready to drained some of the water to avoid any contaminations of the water. We also put this two small nets at the middle of the pond and each nets contains 50 big commercial telapia fish.


The next thing I did is to checked our raising pigs in their pig pen. I noticed this pig of ours feels very thirsty that is why, I decided to give them more water. In this hot sunny day, pigs will be very thirsty anytime that is why, it is good to give them water always. I also cleaned the surroundings and put those dry bamboo leaves in the pit so that it can turn into an organic fertilizer. And also, it was feeding time so I also get ready the feeds for our pigs and give to them on time.



I also went to the mountain top to search pineapples. Pineapple plants produces pineapple fruits every Month of February and it is also lucky for us here because there are lots of pineapple plants can be found here.

These are the pineapple plants grows in the place, and even if these plants grows under this vast trees, still it produces more pineapple fruits. As I checked the place, I found out that the fruits are not yet ready to harvest and it needs more time to wait. I still keep exploring the place to search if there is any pineapple fruits.

It takes a few hours of searching pineapples but all of it are not yet ready to harvest. As for that, I decided to went back down in the plain areas and checked my Goat. My goat is very pity because there are no more grass grows in the place, that is why our goat cannot find any grass to eat. The best thing I did is to give them water with salt.

Our Cows was also having a problem searching more grass and they already ate those dry grass in the ground. This is the big effect of intense heat due to a summer season here in our Place. To keep them of not being dehydrated, I always give them water mixed with salt so that our cows will really love to drink it.


Not only animals will be affected in the intense heat brought by the summer season, plants like coconuts will be affected too. Our plan is to gathered this dry coconut leaves and put in the the coconut stems. This will be served as an organic fertilizer and keep the soil always moist and cool.


I am very happy also to see this two hens of mine laying more eggs. This will be turn into chicks soon. Good thing, I already put this big cardboard as a chicken coup to keep them warm. I put it in high places so that it can be avoided by harmful animals like dogs, cats snakes. This is a simple activities I did today but if this will be successful, it gives a big income to our family so that we can buy more basic needs.

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