How Do I Spend My Powered Down Blurt Tokens?

in instablurt •  2 months ago 


Greetings everyone, its been a long time since I did not create any post here in Blurt platform. Well, I have some reasons why I did not create any post here, its because due to a busy life situations. I honestly powered down some of my Blurt power for a valid reason. First of all, the reason why I joined Blurt platform is to help other people even in a simple ways. Not only for other people but also to my Family. Last year, I decided to Powered down some of my Blurt tokens and and the earnings I have will be used to buy some important things just like School Supplies for this two kids.

I always seen this two kids walking near at our place and I also observed that they are willing to go to school despite of the problem we faced. I tried to asked them about the problem they have, and they answered that they don't have any school supplies. I felt pity for this kids thats why, I planned to brought them a school supplies using my Blurt earnings. I saved enough blurt tokens and I converted it using my Favorite Exchange wallet.


After converting those blurt tokens I have, I hurriedly went to the remittance place so that I will claimed and started to brought school supplies for this children. This are the things I brought for the kids and it includes the following things;

  • Papers
  • Notebooks
  • Crayons
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Sharpeners

The total Cost of This materials reached up to 850 Pesos and this will be a very big help for this kids and they felt very happy and thankful. I also introduced Blurt platform to them and they also very thankful to the platform. Honestly, I can't do this without your help and support by curating my post here. I really proud to have this initiative by doing act of kindness, and also I would express my sincerest thanks to all of the big curators here in this wonderful platform for keeping me supported and to make my mission and vision came true.

Giving A Simple Surprised for My Grandma's Birthday Celebration:


Next act of kindness I did was to gave a surprised for my Grandmother's Special day. I decided to buy Cakes and Softdrinks for here Birthday. This is a kind of contributions so that my Grandma's special day will become enjoyable and happy. She was very surprised seeing this cakes I brought using my Blurt Tokens. The Cost of the cakes was 600 Pesos, and the drinks costs up to 350 Pesos.


My Relatives and Parents was also at the celebration and my Grandma was very happy to see us. There was different kinds of delicious foods served at the table and before we eat, we sung a Birthday song to my Grandma followed by Blowing the candles.

Buying Acrylic Paints and Paint Brushes for My Brother:


My Brother loves to draw, and He wants to do painting. He always wanted to have acrylic paints and paint brushes so He can start exploring his imagination through arts. I surprised Him with this set of paint brushes and acrylic paints and He was very happy to received it. The total cost of this materials was reached up to 250 Pesos, a simple gift but brings a big happiness to other.

A Simple Gift For My Family:


I also brought my Parents with this fruits, can goods and some ingredients for making spaghetti dish. My Father always wanted to eat this kind of this and this is one of his favorite. I decided to spent 780 Pesos for this ingredients including the fruits I brought. My Parents was very happy to see this and I helped them cooling spaghetti dish.

Time To Reward Myself:



I also rewarding myself by eating this cold and delicious Magnum Ice cream. This was my first time to eat this kind of ice cream and it was very delicious.

Now my Dear Blurt Friends as I came back here in the platform starting a new Life together with you here, sharing my personal activities in Life and sharing the beautiful things, Great sceneries and over views and the different kinds of place soon to went. I will make my blurt power to increased again and joined you to become successful here in the platform.

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  ·  2 months ago  ·  


Hi @jb123, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

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  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much for the support @beblurt, @nalexadre and @ten-years-before. 😊🙏