Filipinos all-time favorite food

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Almost every Filipino occasion food is always present on the table and it won't be complete without Lechon Baboy (roasted pig), it's an all-time favorite dish by Filipinos almost all year round. But some people can't afford the whole Lechon as it ranges the price from 5K to 10K almost 100-200 USD. Then that's the time Lechon Belly comes in, wherein Lechon Belly is an alternative replacement for a whole roasted pig which makes it less expensive and easier to prepare but with the same taste as a whole Lechon Baboy.


Lechon Belly is also known as boneless lechon as the meat is cut from the belly's pig which usually doesn't have much bone in a certain portion of the pig, true to its name Lechon belly.


The favorite part of the Lechon belly dish is the skin which is the first to go when served because of its crispiness.

There are two ways to prepare Lechon Belly, the traditional way of preparing is by roasting it in a bed of charcoal with the belly skewered in a Bamboo spit and turned repeatedly until the color turned into golden brown.



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hello highblood pressure 😁😆🤣!

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