Argao's Best Delicacy - Torta

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Argao's Best.png

Hello there Blurt friends, hope everyone is doing well. For today's content, I will be sharing one of the delicacies that the Queen City of the South is proud of, specifically in the town of Argao with their fluffy cup-cake like pastry the Torta. It has been known that Cebu is well-known for its tourist attraction, in fact, almost every corner of Cebu has its own points of interest. Aside from those attractions almost every town in Cebu has its own delicacies to offer just like the Torta of Argao.


The town even made a festival of their own delicacy they call it the La Torta festival that usually happens during the month of September but when the pandemic hits, the Local Government temporarily canceled the festival. As it is the town's famous delicacy there are a lot of Torta makers in Argao but there is this one store that stands out among all, the Chitang's Torta. What made their Torta special is that they use "Tuba" (coconut wine) which makes it even more flavorful, aside from coconut wine they also put raisins in it, sprinkled it with little sugar, and topped with shredded cheese. Look how flavorful their torta is with this picture below as my wife tried to split it.



Aside from Torta, Chitang's also offers numerous pastries these include a variety of cookies and polvoron, they also have sweets like sugar-coated peanuts and tamarind paste that is wrapped in candy sizes and we actually bought some of it as well especially the coated peanuts as my wife requested it and so with the tamarind paste.



Here are some of their displayed pastries in the upper level is their variety of cookies and below are the sweets.



Below photo is the sugar-coated peanuts which my wife requested.

While this one is the tamarind paste that is wrapped in candy sizes which I liked as well considering it complements the sweetness because of sugar and sourness flavor from the tamarind itself.

The staff of Chitang's proudly says about their product, especially the Torta saying in Visayan language "Mag kabahaw,Mag kalami" which means the better it tastes if it is preserved longer (not eaten for a few more days). So I and my wife decided to preserve a pair of Torta to be eaten after a few days, but we were able to taste the recent served right after we bought it and the other we ate it four days after, and it actually tastes a lot better. It is likely because of the coconut wine that gives a better taste even after a couple of days.



Look how cozy their store is and it is pretty clean as well.


If you happen to visit the town Argao don't miss out on their finest Torta of Chitang's. It is easy to locate their store, after all, it is located in the town's center just a few blocks away from the national highway, there are lots of signage along the way to their store anyways. That's it for today's content, thank you for reading, see you on the next content. Ciao!

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lami jd ni

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tinood jud maam

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