The smile of the crop on the face of the farmer

in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Good night from Bangladesh.
How are you all?
I'm fine Alhamdulillah.

Today I was going through the road on a motorcycle.
As we walked along the road, we saw various beautiful scenes.
I was also riding a motorcycle at a slow speed and enjoying the beauty of the surroundings.
In this way, the scenes of this paddy field caught my eye to move forward.



A beautiful day that the farmers got after a long wait after working hard.
After harvesting the paddy, it is spread on the land for drying.
These paddy are not just the labor of the farmers, these are their dreams.
They will meet their needs by taking this paddy home.
I saw some farmers resting on the side of the road and asked them.
How is the yield of rice?
And what is the price of paddy?
In response, the farmer laughed and said that this time the yield has been good and the price of many paddy has gone up.
Their efforts have been successful.






I saw a satisfied smile on the face of the farmer.
People who work in different countries of the world are not properly evaluated.
But these people are sweating their heads and feet and growing gold crop for us.
And we, the people of the city, do not pay them properly.
But sometimes if we spend some time with them, we can learn about their lives and livelihoods.
And it will create love and affection in our hearts for them.

Isn't that right friends ??

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