Jute is the main cash crop of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh ranks 2nd in the world in jute production.
Bangladesh produces jute - almost one in the world -
But even after jute became the main cash crop, its production is declining day by day in Bangladesh.
Because the farmers are not getting adequate price of jute as compared to their labor.
So the production of jute has decreased a lot and now people are concentrating more on tea cultivation.
The first tea garden was established in Bangladesh in 1840
In Malnichhara of Sylhet.
After that, tea gardens started spreading in different districts of the country.
At present the number of tea gardens in Bangladesh is about 163.
However, the first organic tea production started in Bangladesh
The northernmost district is Panchagarh.
A few days ago I went to my office in Panchagarh.
Then I looked around those tea gardens very closely.
As far as the eye can see, there is only greenery all around.
Seeing this scene fills the mind.
While visiting the tea garden, I learned from the people of the area that they earn a lot of money every year from this tea garden. Many have already become millionaires by cultivating tea.
I walked around a lot of places in the tea garden with one of my co-workers.
To be honest, I have never seen such a method of cultivating tea in an organic way.
So I enjoyed visiting the tea garden a lot.