dine omgivelser og fuglenes skønhed.

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


øjenkontakt: giver spænding og afslapning. Gå ud og nyd dine omgivelser og fuglenes skønhed. Men også: uventede øjeblikke i naturen og spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt det er muligt at finde en yndlingsmad. Vi hjælper dig gerne på vej. Fuglekiggeri / Janko van Beek Hvad du har brug for? Glem det. Med åbne øjne og ører kommer du langt. Men med langt sjovere fuglekiggeri kan du komme fugle helt tæt på. Kikkert findes i alle prisklasser.
eye contact: provides excitement and relaxation. Go out and enjoy your surroundings and the beauty of the birds. But also: unexpected moments in nature and the question of whether it is possible to find a favorite food. We are happy to help you along the way. Fuglekiggeri / Janko van Beek What do you need? Forget it. With open eyes and ears, you get far. But with far more fun bird watching, you can get birds very close. Binoculars are available in all price ranges.


Ansvar for fuglekiggeri og fotografering Fuglekigning og fotografering er gode måder at nyde naturen på, men der er også ansvar. Hvordan opfører du dig i naturen? Hvordan kan du forebygge problemer med fugle og natur? Fugleværn bruger et adfærdskodeks som vejledning for ansvarlig fuglekiggeri og fotografering.Som ny fuglekigger tænker du måske, at du først skal lede efter dyrelivet for at finde fugle. Det er heldigvis ikke tilfældet. Fugle er adaptere, og når du først begynder at se den, vil du se den overalt. Parker, kirkegårde, markeder, kanaler og endda tage er nu hjemsted for fugle. Og selvfølgelig din egen baghave eller gade, hvor træklatrere kravler gennem træerne og bider som gribbe.
Responsibility for bird watching and photography Bird watching and photography are great ways to enjoy nature, but there is also responsibility. How do you behave in nature? How can you prevent problems with birds and nature? Bird protection uses a code of conduct as a guide for responsible bird watching and photography. As a new bird watcher, you may think that you must first look for wildlife to find birds. Fortunately, that is not the case. Birds are adapters, and once you start seeing it, you will see it everywhere. Parks, cemeteries, markets, canals and even roofs are now home to birds. And of course your own backyard or street where tree climbers crawl through the trees and bite like vultures.


Er du på ferie, weekend eller besøger en anden by; så gå til fuglereservatet og forundre de arter af fugle, der kommer der. Disse hytter er normalt placeret på strategische steder, hvor du kan se mange eller smukke arter, og du ser godt ud uden at blive bemærket. Dette giver dem mulighed for at komme tættere på og se dig roligt.Giv ikke fugle den idé, at du vil spise dem Are you on holiday, weekend or visiting another city; so go to the bird sanctuary and marvel at the species of birds that come there. These cabins are usually located in strategic places where you can see many or beautiful species and you look good without being noticed. This allows them to get closer and see you calmly. Do not give birds the idea that you want to eat them
Are you on holiday, weekend or visiting another city; so go to the bird sanctuary and marvel at the species of birds that come there. These cabins are usually located in strategic places where you can see many or beautiful species and you look good without being noticed. This allows them to get closer and see you calmly. Do not give birds the idea that you want to eat them Are you on holiday, weekend or visiting another city; so go to the bird sanctuary and marvel at the species of birds that come there. These cabins are usually located in strategic places where you can see many or beautiful species and you look good without being noticed. This allows them to get closer and see you calmly. Do not give birds the idea that you want to eat them


Når du nærmer dig fugene, vil de tro, du vil spise dem og flyve væk. Før hun flytte til varme områder, har hun brug for tid til at blive gift, formere sig, lede efter mad til sine børn eller spise fedt. De bruger også energi, som de ikke kan undvære vinterfrosten, og leder de efter mad, kan det også betale sig. Selvom du ikke har tænkt dig at spise dem, ved fugene det ikke, så respekter deres grænser. Kort sagt: tal ikke højt, sluk telefonen, lad hunden blive hjemme og vigtigst af alt: lad være med at nærme dig. Hvis de er opmærksomme på at se, lyde eller endda flyve, så hold afstand.
As you approach the joints, they will think you will eat them and fly away. Before she moves to hot areas, she needs time to get married, reproduce, look for food for her children or eat fat. They also use energy that they can not do without the winter frost, and if they are looking for food, it can also pay off. Even if you do not intend to eat them, the joints do not know, so respect their limits. In short: do not talk loudly, turn off the phone, leave the dog at home and most importantly: do not approach you. If they pay attention to see, sound or even fly, keep your distance.


For Lad altid fugler eder. Rør ikke ved dem, tag ikke billeder, se bare ikke. Hvis du forstyrrer de rugende fugle, er der en chance for, at hele koblinger går tab. Æg eller unger uden forældre spises nemt af et rovdyr. Eller forældrene er så bange for, at de ikke kommer tilbage, og så sulter ilderne, eller æggene kommer ikke ud. Finder du reden ved et tilfælde, så gå roligt.Når man står med en kikkert i vejkanten, spørger forbipasserende nogle gange, hvad man laver. Så tag dig god tid og del dine mest interessante observations med dem. Tygge musvåger eller hejrer i græsset: ofte åbner en ny verden sig for dem. Sådan planter du et frø, der forhåbentlig vil vokse til kærlighed og respekt for naturen. Og en vinje til at for svare ham..
For always let birds fly. Do not touch them, do not take pictures, just do not look. If you disturb the brooding birds, there is a chance that entire clutches will be lost. Eggs or pups without parents are easily eaten by a predator. Or the parents are so scared that they will not come back and then the ferrets will starve or the eggs will not come out. If you find the nest by accident, walk calmly. When standing with binoculars at the roadside, passers-by sometimes ask what you are doing. So take your time and share your most interesting observations with them. Chewing buzzards or herons in the grass: often a new world opens up for them. How to plant a seed that will hopefully grow to love and respect for nature. And a wine to answer him..
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