in instablurt •  3 years ago 

Sky violet cheers
It's as if it's a line
The soul begins to be scorched and blessed

Even though it's not obvious
But it seems that there is a message in the orange roar of the twilight that simultaneously decorates the sky

Reason begins to swallow the silent whispers of the twilight, the heart rejoices as if instinct has knitted the dreams that are implied in the twilight violet deposits.





Owwww,,, there is a desire that seems to be channeled, that's the feeling that crosses the heart, however, what is the spirit that has incised the soul since earlier..??

The east wind blows gently into the body at the same time the sun is running towards the west

The twilight that is starting to fade is clearly visible from between the branches of the old gurgling star, even the faintest of lavender is now lined up on the horizon floor, a sign that the night is coming to bring darkness, the steps are turning to carry the body to the courtyard.

When I lay down, my heart asked, "What was the joy that entered the soul at dusk?" Friends with my crumpled couch, I began to understand the joy that was, finally the soul was calm and sent itself to welcome a cheerful tomorrow with the hope that awaits.

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