in instablurt •  last year 

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For a lot of the younger generation, many of us can't imagine a world without all of the technology and technological applications to our lives. A large percentage of our lives is dependent on a number of appliances and gadgets which shows how much we've advanced as a civilization.

For many who were lucky enough to have grown up between the time where there wasn't much in terms of technology and now, it would've been easy to switch from one generation to another since they grew up alongside most of this advancement in technology.

One of the easiest targets of scams is the older generation who know the importance of tech in their lives and use them daily but do not really put much stock into understanding how most of these gadgets work.

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I say this because I realized just how important it is to sensitize and explain how many of these scams work to them because like it or not they're easy targets.
Few days ago my dad's account was almost wiped by some fraudulent individuals, but luckily I walked in before he could give them any valuable information.

I had to take my time to explain certain things and how important it is to never reveal important information especially those that are financial related.
He was aware of how many of these scams work but I took for granted how easy it was to confuse many of the elderly with fancy tech words.

Although there are many top level scams and frauds going around that are big in terms of the level of sophistication but explaining and sensitizing those who're more vulnerable to how they operate would go a long way to curbing some of these activities.

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