in instablurt •  last year 

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Of all the times my phone decided to go on an emotional breakdown, it chose now. With countries experiencing inflation, prices skyrocketing, my dear phone decided to act up on me.

With the sentence above you'd think that a normal human being would be worried about other serious things that rising prices would affect like the price of diapers (sometimes I feel like buying diapers is our one universal punishment, you simply can't avoid it)
But not me, my worries is that my phone is acting up and I have to manage it. it's almost like I'm a jealous lover who's frustrated by his girlfriends mood but can't simply leave her alone.

We humans can be funny with the way we think sometimes. You hear people say Of all the times xyz could've happened, why is it happening now.
I know we don't like any bad things happening to us, which makes the statement funny because it's almost as if we're saying there's a particular time we would've preferred that the bad stuff happened.

Imagine if you actually had a specific number of days allocated to you in a year for all your bad stuff happening, we'd be having weird conversations.

AB : Hey bro, when's your bad day coming up?

BC : Looks like next week. what about you?

AB: Oh I got a good trade this year, I found someone willing to take them off me in exchange for some of my Hive tokens.

BC: Lucky you bro, wish I could do the same but looks like I'll have to live through it this year



My phone acting up has actually afforded me a lot of free time offline and I've been using it effectively by thinking about my life.
Unfortunately, the only serious things I've been able to come up with are silly memories.

When we talk about silly memories, a lot of times I feel like we're one global interconnected silly family in this regard.
Regardless of our society, ethinicity or beliefs, there are certain memories that we can all point at and say Oh yes i definitely experienced something close to that.

I remember growing up when I was writing a particular difficult exam, I was seated there in class waiting for the divine miracle that would allow me get the correct answers. I eventually had to submit what I had written when the time was up.

So I made a promise to God that as long as I didn't blink my eyes in the next ten minutes, whatever nonsense I wrote should be marked right. But if I blinked then i should fail woefully and of course i blinked and I had to apologise to God in my mind that if he gave me another chance I wouldn't blink.
One chance after another and I still failed not to blink. It didn't occur to my silly mind to ask for something like ten seconds.

Another silly memory was the first time I asked my dad to buy me a game boy and he promised to get it on my birthday. I was patiently waiting for the day to come.

But alas my dad instead got me one of those Tetra games. I was crying that this wasn't what I asked for when he said but you asked for a boy game.
That was when I understood that instead of asking for a game boy, he mixed it up and asked if they had any boys game.

I hope I fix my phone soon, so I can be cured of all these thoughts going through my head

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