These are called Native Marriages. If a young man finds a woman he likes

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Awon wonyin ni an pe ni igbese Igbeyawo Abinibi.Bi odomokunrin ba ti ri omoge ti o wu u latife, ise yoo ku ku si owo alarina. Alarina yi ni yoo maa wadii iru ile ti omoge yii ti wa, iru eniyan ti awon obi re je abbl. Idi ni pe

These are called Native Marriages. If a young man finds a woman he likes, he will have to pay the middleman's money. This mediator will find out what kind of home this child comes from, what kind of people his parents are, etc. The reason is that


, ko si obi ti yoo fe ki omo oun fe iyawo ni ile buburu. ’n Vrou werk gewoonlijk as ’n bemiddelaar. En as die makelaar 'n goeie skoon huis kry waar die vlek vandaan kom, dan is dit die begin van die werk.

ko si obi ti yoo fe ki omo oun fe iyawo ni ile buburu. A woman usually works as a mediator. And if the realtor finds a good clean house where the stain came from, then that's the start of the job.


Nadat die meisie getrou het, laat die seun sy ouers weet dat hy 'n meisie gekry het met wie hy wil trou. Die seun se ouders gaan na die meisie se ouderhuis om 'n vrou aan te vra. Die ouers en die seun se familie besluit dat die seun se familie na die antwoord sal luister.

After the girl gets married, the boy lets his parents know that he has found a girl he wants to marry. The boy's parents go to the girl's parents' house to ask for a wife. The parents and the boy's family decide that the boy's family will listen to the answer.


Voor die dag van die geboorte gaan die meisies se gezinnen uit elkaar om uit te vind hoe die seuntjie se familie is, en hulle doen ook 'n fisiese onderzoek. As jy nie baklei nie, is dit verby. As daar 'n probleem is, sal hulle vir haar geld gee.

Before the day of the birth, the girls' families go apart to find out what the boy's family is like, and they also do a physical examination. If you don't fight, it's over. If there is a problem, they will give her money.


Die sonde van 'n vrou: voordat 'n vrouw in haar man se huis ingaan, was sy haar sonde met water om vir die kwaad te betaal, en dit sal herhaal word. Die Yoruba-overtuiging is dat hoeveel jaar 'n vrou geboorte skenk. Ibale: Dit is die eer van 'n huisvrou, 'n vrou wat by die huis is, haar ouers respekteer.

The sin of a woman: before a woman enters her husband's house, she washes her sin with water to pay for the evil, and it will be repeated. The Yoruba belief is that how many years does a woman give birth. Ibale: This is the honor of a housewife, a woman who is at home, respects her parents.


Van die veld af sal die meisies vuurwerke na hul ouers stuur met klere om huis toe te neem. Dit is 'n groot eer vir die bruid se familie. 'n Vrou wat nie by die huis is nie, word 'n ma, en dit is 'n skande vir haar ouers. Op die vyfde dag sorg die vrou vir alles rondom haar man.

From the field, the girls will send fireworks to their parents with clothes to take home. It is a great honor for the bride's family. A woman who is not at home becomes a mother, and it is a shame for her parents. On the fifth day, the wife takes care of everything around her husband.



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