Necessary Power Up

in instablurt •  5 months ago 




I had decided not to Power Up until I was able to hit 30,000 BP, which I thought would look great. But just now I noticed I only had less than 17 BLURT available for my activities, so I just had to Power Up. It would be cool if I could just pass a few BLURT to that part of my account without having to Power Up, but if that option exists I am not aware of how to do it.

Anyway now I did Power Up and am short of 500 BLURT to get to 30,000, this is no goal of mine, just a nice, round number. I do hope I have enough by the end of the month and I can start June with 30 K BLURT Power, just for the old ego. I believe I am moving at the same rate no better no worse, so 40,000 BLURT Power by years end might still be possible. Of course there are unforeseen circumstances always. Just last week I had a mini stroke, now these things are not a big deal in themselves but I have been not in great shape this whole week, so my writing has suffered. It was a week ago and I still feel week, don't hear too good, my left eye is kind of unfocused, and of course the place where the stroke happened, a little behind my lower left ear hurts like as if I was punched. But I have had several of these events before so I know what to expect from them. What has been especially hard is that I have also had to stand the heat wave we are going through. And still my BLURT account is growing.

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