My happiness with my activities

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

Hello stemian friends wherever you are
hope all of you are well.
So this time I want to tell about my activities


Today I did my usual activities, namely I woke up at 04.02 during the month of Rajab. I woke up earlier than the usual month because I had to help my mother in the kitchen to prepare the meal for our family. The alarm went off at 04.02 and I too immediately got up from my bed and immediately relieved to go to the bathroom to wash my face first before doing the cooking activity, actually it wasn't cooking, it was just heating up the leftovers last afternoon for us to eat at dawn, and I started to heat it up as a unit and my mother too started making tea, then my mother ordered me to wake up my younger siblings who were still sleeping, and I started going to their room to wake them up for sahur, after I woke them up, and after that I cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes, and after that I made ablution because it wasn't long before the dawn call to prayer would be echoed

After I made my ablution, I went into my room and while waiting for the call to prayer I played my smartphone and soon the sound of the dawn call to prayer was heard, and I immediately performed the fardhu prayer, and after I prayed the fardhu prayer, I was called by my grandfather, and my grandfather I invited me to see my uncle's child at Sakinah Hospital who had just been born a male named Abdul Al Ausy said my uncle was inspired by a sheikh in the Grand Mosque


Then we came home from the Sakinah Hospital, and after we arrived at home I went straight into the room and immediately rested for a while, for some reason I felt very sleepy and without realizing it I fell asleep, and for about 2 hours I slept suddenly I heard a train horn outside my house and I immediately told my younger sibling to see who it was, apparently my order package had arrived, and after my younger sibling took my package then I went to the bathroom and took a shower after taking a shower immediately immediately after the afternoon prayer time arrived and I immediately perform the fardhu asr prayer


I was invited by my mother, Difa Unzila's mamak to Krung Geukuh, he said he wanted to buy a cake while doing ngabuburit. Actually, I was too lazy to go again, but I didn't want to disappoint my mother, so I got ready to go to Krung Geukuh to buy some of your needs.


I also had a selfie with Difa unzila where she really liked selfies and even often asked me to fulfill selfies so that kind of thing was used to her

This is all I can share on this occasion, hope you like and are entertained see you in the next post

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