Hi Guys!
Reinventing ourselves every day means closing wounds, for example, those that we have left open and that by our masochistic habit we put some salt every day. When we dare to reinvent ourselves, we learn that wounds must heal, close and that if we have any scars left, they must serve to remind us how brave we are to move forward. To reinvent ourselves, is to forgive, especially, is to forgive ourselves looking for that inner peace that allows us to see a new beginning.

Source: pixabay.com

Reinventing ourselves every day requires from us the ability to let go of that which weighs us down in our existence and does not allow us to move forward. At this point, I must clarify that I am one of those people who do not leave anyone behind, that is, I support my loved ones and I will be with them until the last bubble of oxygen and Latin in their heart, but I do not carry burdens that are not mine, I do not cling to people, things and places, especially where I am no longer loved. Many times we cling to everything that hurts us, to that which does not allow us to grow and move forward. Reinventing ourselves means accepting when something no longer works for us, it is learning to leave in peace to let go in gratitude and to value the experience we have gained.
To reinvent ourselves every day is to start over as many times as necessary, to understand that sadness is fleeting and that we should not turn our life into a sea of regrets. It is to assume our responsibility before the events of everyday life, it is to learn to walk, even in the midst of darkness, looking for the light. Reinventing ourselves, is to be certain that we can and that we have all the capabilities and abilities to grow and flourish despite the difficulties, we just have to focus and look carefully at all the things we do have and all that we can do in spite of...

Source: pixabay.com

Reinventing ourselves every day is not an option, it is a vital necessity in these times where people walk the earth without hope. Today, in the midst of all the situations that torment the population worldwide, in the midst of so much devastation, sadness, isolation, isolation, isolation and stop counting; reinventing ourselves is a useful alternative for each one of us to contribute our grain of sand to the necessary change in the mentality of everyone on the planet. Reinventing ourselves every day, finally, is an act of self-love where we see ourselves as we are: human beings with flaws and virtues, but that in the midst of everything we have learned to shine, to live in peace and harmony, where we are aware that less is more and that to enjoy life you only need love for yourself and for everything around you, if you believe in yourself you can do everything you want. Let no one stop your steps, go ahead, every day is the best day of your life, enjoy it.