Motivation is a state of mind that makes our behavior change and is channeled to achieve a goal, it is that energy that drives us to finish each task in the best possible way, so it is an indispensable element when studying because it helps us to overcome setbacks and difficulties.

Motivation is essential to achieve academic objectives. Image credit:
We know that studying is not an easy task, it not only requires effort, planning, and discipline, but also an appropriate mental state to channel efforts and manage difficulties, that is why we say that to study you must have the desire to do it, it is not something that can be imposed on a person, and when it is done by obligation the results are not always the best. That is why motivation is a key factor for all the effort of a student to materialize in the achievement of learning objectives.
I wanted to address this topic because I recently saw the movie "Gifted Hands" starring Cuba Gooding Jr. The movie tells the story of Ben Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon who had to overcome great obstacles to study medicine and become one of the best doctors in the world in his field, saving numerous lives by performing extremely complicated procedures. I loved it because it is a clear example of what we are capable of doing when we are motivated, the character begins his life with everything against him, a broken home, low grades, social inequality, and even an angry temper that could ruin his life. But with effort and perseverance, he manages to overcome his limitations and go to medical school.
Elements of motivation
Motivation is the force that pushes our actions towards a specific end, then it is clear that there are three basic elements that compose it, these are:
Direction: this refers to the fact that we all must clearly define the benefit we intend to achieve with a given study, for example, to perform in an attractive profession, we want a promotion or a position of greater responsibility, master the most current tools or have skills better adapted to the demands of the market. So, in order to have the proper motivation, our goal must be clear from the very beginning.

For motivation it is important to have a clear goal. Image credit:
Intensity: this element gives strength to the chosen direction. The intensity of motivation has to do with the personal perception that the goal will be achieved, i.e., if we are convinced that our efforts will have a good result we will pursue the objective with greater intensity despite the difficulties.
Persistence: it has to do with how much time and energy we invest in achieving the set goal, it is what determines our behavior and level of resistance overcome obstacles.

Persistence is an important element in the studies. Image credit:
All these elements can see portrayed in the film, in which we can see that if the goal set is considered really valuable for us, any obstacle becomes surmountable and our will becomes unbreakable.
That is why it is also important that studying is a personal decision since motivation is much greater when it is not controlled and we feel completely free to study what we want.
And a recommendation to stay motivated when you are studying, believe in yourself. When you are convinced that you can do what you set out to do, you will take more action until you achieve it.
Well friends, I hope you find this reading useful if you are studying to get an academic degree or learn a new skill. Remember that motivation is essential to achieve it. See you next time.