Hi Guys Greetings Everyone
Home education, a challenge for parents. Image credit: piqsels.com.
The year 2022 became a challenge for parents and representatives to exercise the role of the teacher in their homes. How many suffered or still suffer from stress, both students and parents, hence from my experience as a teacher, especially from love and my vocation as an educator I have outlined a series of strategies or tips for the process of education at home is pleasant, you parents and representatives are the first and greatest educators, remember that it is at home where you learn to love, the value of family, respect for others and many other values that depend on our essence as human beings and inhabitants of this common home that is our planet.
1. Organize a space only for academic activities: We must organize a space at home, even if it is small, that is intended only for study, a place where there are no distractions, which has good lighting and ventilation, which is pleasant and comfortable, there we will place our desk, a table, chair or whatever we have so that our students can perform their educational activities in a formal manner.

Academic tasks require a special place. Image credit: pixabay.com.
2. Distribution of time and tasks: We must create a study schedule, research in learning shows that most people have their brains rested and ready to learn new things in the morning. So I suggest from 8am to 11am for studying and learning new subjects, and in the afternoon from 3 to 5pm is an ideal time for the development of activities that have to do with our manual dexterity.
3. Keep distractions away: If we have students who are prone to be easily distracted let's try to avoid things that can make them not focused on their studies. That is, avoid playing loud music, having a TV on, and other people talking and conversing right where they are studying.

Electronic devices are a strong element of distraction. Image credit: pixabay.com.
4. Parents, let's take on our role as teachers: A mistake we make when helping our children with their learning at home is trying to teach by assuming our role as parents, and we use phrases such as "you are going to study because I say so"; "I am your dad and you are going to do your homework". In this case, my suggestion is to take the role of the teacher and be assertive in the discourse; let's explain why it is important to learn a specific subject.
5. Learning, researching, and relearning: Parents who have not had professional training as teachers must assume that in order to help their children they must research, study, learn and relearn about each subject before helping their children with homework. This is because today's content often involves a change in terms of concepts and theories that have changed from the day we studied to the present day.
6. Seek help: We can't know everything about everything, and we are often good in one or two areas of knowledge, but hardly good in all subjects. Don't pretend to know everything. Therefore, when necessary, seek help from other people or tutorials on the Internet before falling into the stress generated by not being able or not having the ability to explain the subject to our children.
7. Do your job with love: As teachers we love our job, as educators, our vocation is to educate through love, and kind words, being respectful and always responding with the best disposition will make our children have less stress when studying.
8. At the end of the workday, go back to being a mom or dad: It is very important that once the study day is over, we do other activities with our children that allow them to see us as their parents again.

Retake your role as a father. Image credit: piqsels.com.
I hope you found it useful to read my article, as I said they are some tips that from my experience I wanted to share with you, homeschooling can be done, we just have to do things with planning and lots of love.